The article provides an analysis of the current situation with lectotypification of the generic name Salsola L. (Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae sensu APG) and recent nomenclatural “resurrection” of the generic name Kali Mill., following molecular phylogenetic findings. Here we present additional arguments in favor of our recent nomenclatural proposal on conservation of the generic name Salsola with S. kali L. as the conserved type. Another option is the typification of Salsola with S. soda L., in which case taxa of the S. kali clade are placed in the genus Kali Mill. (sensu Akhani & Roalson) in its new circumscription. Positive and negative taxonomic and nomenclatural outcomes of each solution are discussed. Our position regarding the typification of Salsola is reconfirmed. The final decision on the nomenclatural fate of Salsola will be adopted at the XIX International Botanical Congress in 2017, following decisions and recommendations of two committees of the IAPT, which will evaluate our Salsola conservation proposal and report if typifications done by Standley in the North American Flora are supersedable.
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Akhani H, , Greuter W, , Roalson EH. 2014. Notes on the typification and nomenclature of Salsola and Kali (Chenopodiaceae). Taxon. 63(3):647–650. Available from:
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The article provides an analysis of the current situation with lectotypification of the generic name Salsola L. (Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae sensu APG) and recent nomenclatural “resurrection” of the generic name Kali Mill., following molecular phylogenetic findings. Here we present additional arguments in favor of our recent nomenclatural proposal on conservation of the generic name Salsola with S. kali L. as the conserved type. Another option is the typification of Salsola with S. soda L., in which case taxa of the S. kali clade are placed in the genus Kali Mill. (sensu Akhani & Roalson) in its new circumscription. Positive and negative taxonomic and nomenclatural outcomes of each solution are discussed. Our position regarding the typification of Salsola is reconfirmed. The final decision on the nomenclatural fate of Salsola will be adopted at the XIX International Botanical Congress in 2017, following decisions and recommendations of two committees of the IAPT, which will evaluate our Salsola conservation proposal and report if typifications done by Standley in the North American Flora are supersedable.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 450 | 81 | 15 |
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