Zoraptera are a cryptic and enigmatic group of insects. The species diversity is lower than in almost all other groups of Hexapoda, but may be distinctly higher than presently known. Several new species were described from different regions recently. The systematic placement was discussed controversially since the group was discovered 100 years ago. Affinities with Isoptera and Psocoptera were discussed in earlier studies. A sister group relationship with Acercaria (Psocodea, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera) was proposed by W. Hennig, for the first time based on a strictly phylogenetic argumentation. More recent studies consistently suggest a placement among the “lower neopteran orders” (Polyneoptera). Close affinities to Dictyoptera were proposed and alternatively a sister group relationship with Embioptera or with Embioptera + Phasmatodea (Eukinolabia), respectively. The precise placement is still controversial and the intraordinal relationships are largely unclear. Recent transcriptome analyses tentatively suggest a clade Zoraptera + Dermaptera as sister group of all other polyneopteran orders. The oldest fossils are from Cretaceous amber. An extinct genus from this era may be the sister group of all the remaining zorapterans. The knowledge of the morphology, development and features related to the reproductive system greatly increased in recent years. The general body morphology is very uniform, whereas the genitalia differ strongly between species. This is likely due to different kinds of selection, i.e. sexual selection in the case of the genital organs. The mating pattern also differs profoundly within the order. A unique external sperm transfer occurs in Zorotypus impolitus. A species-level phylogeny and more investigations of the reproductive system should have high priority.
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Beutel R.G., & Baum E. (2008) A longstanding entomological problem finally solved? Head morphology of Nannochorista (Mecoptera, Insecta) and possible phylogenetic implications. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 46: 346–367.
Beutel R.G., & Gorb S.N. (2001) Ultrastructure of attachment specializations of hexapods (Arthropoda): Evolutionary patterns inferred from a revised ordinal phylogeny. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 39: 177–207.
Beutel R.G., & Gorb S.N. (2006) A revised interpretation of the evolution of attachment structures in Hexapoda with special emphasis on Mantophasmatodea. Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny 64: 3–25.
Beutel R.G., & Pohl H. (2006) Endopterygote systematics – where do we stand and what is the goal (Hexapoda, Arthropoda)? Systematic Entomology 31: 202–219.
Beutel R.G., & Weide D. (2005) Cephalic anatomy of Zorotypus hubbardi (Hexapoda: Zoraptera): New evidence for a relationship with Acercaria. Zoomorphology 124: 121–136.
Beutel R.G., , Friedrich F., , Hörnschemeyer T., , Pohl H., , Hünefeld F., , Beckmann F., , Meier R., , Misof B., , Whiting M.F., & Vilhelmsen L. (2011) Morphological and molecular evidence converge upon a robust phylogeny of the megadiverse Holometabola. Cladistics 27: 341–355.
Blanke A., , Wipfler B., , Letsch H., , Koch M., , Beckmann F., , Beutel R., & Misof B. (2012) Revival of Palaeoptera – head characters support a monophyletic origin of Odonata and Ephemeroptera (Insecta). Cladistics 28: 560–581.
Blanke A., , Greve C., , Wipfler B., , Beutel R., , Holland B., & Misof B. (2013) The identification of concerted convergence in insect heads corroborates Palaeoptera. Systematic Biology 62: 250–263.
Bolívar y Pieltain C. (1940) Estudio de un Nuevo Zoráptero de México. Anales de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas 1: 515–523.
Boudreaux H.B. (1979) Arthropod Phylogeny, with Special Reference to Insects. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, viii + 320 pp.
Caudell A.N. (1918) Zorotypus hubbardi, a new species of the order Zoraptera from the United States. The Canadian Entomologist 50: 375–381.
Caudell A.N. (1920) Zoraptera not an apterous order. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 22: 84–97.
Caudell A.N. (1923) Zorotypus swezeyi, a new species of order Zoraptera from Hawaii. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 48: 133–135.
Caudell A.N. (1927) Zorotypus longicercatus, a new species of Zoraptera from Jamaica. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 29: 144–145.
Chao R.-F., & Chen C.-S. (2000) Formosozoros newi, a new genus and species of Zoraptera (Insecta) from Taiwan. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 76: 24–27.
Choe J.C. (1989) Zorotypus gurneyi, new species, from Panama and redescription of Z. barberi Gurney (Zoraptera: Zorotypidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 82: 149–155.
Choe J.C., (1992) Zoraptera of Panama with a review of the morphology, systematics, and biology of the order. In: Quintero D., & Aiello A. (Eds) Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica: Selected Studies. Oxford University Press, Oxford: pp. 249–256.
Choe J.C. (1994a) Sexual selection and mating system in Zorotypus gurneyi Choe (Insecta: Zoraptera): I. Dominance hierarchy and mating success. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 34: 87–93.
Choe J.C. (1994b) Sexual selection and mating system in Zorotypus gurneyi Choe (Insecta: Zoraptera): II. Determinants and dynamics of dominance. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 34: 233–237.
Choe J.C. (1995) Courtship feeding and repeated mating in Zorotypus barberi (Insecta: Zoraptera). Animal Behaviour 49: 1511–1520.
Choe J.C., (1997) The evolution of mating systems in the Zoraptera: Mating variations and sexual conflicts. In: Choe J.C., & Crespi B.J. (Eds) The Evolution of Mating Systems in Insects and Arachnids. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: pp. 130–145.
Crampton G.C. (1918) The genitalia and terminal abdominal structures of male Neuroptera and Mecoptera with notes on the Psocidae, Diptera and Trichoptera. Psyche 25: 47–58.
Crampton G.C. (1920) Some anatomical details of the remarkable winged zorapteron, Zorotypus hubbardis [sic] Caudell, with notes on its relationships. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 22: 98–106.
Crampton G.C. (1921) A further comparison of the wings of Zoraptera, psocids, and aphids, from the standpoint of phylogeny. The Canadian Entomologist 53: 110–117.
Crampton G.C. (1926) A comparison of the neck and prothoracic sclerites throught the orders of insects from the standpoint of phylogeny. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 52: 199–248.
Crampton G.C. (1927) The thoracic sclerites and wing bases of the roach Periplaneta americana and the basal structures of the wings of insects. Psyche 34: 59–72.
Dallai R., , Mercati D., , Gottardo M., , Machida R., , Mashimo Y., & Beutel R.G. (2011) The male reproductive system of Zorotypus caudelli Karny (Zoraptera): Sperm structure and spermiogenesis. Arthropod Structure and Development 40: 531–547.
Dallai R., , Mercati D., , Gottardo M., , Machida R., , Mashimo Y., & Beutel R.G. (2012a) The fine structure of the female reproductive system of Zorotypus caudelli Karny (Zoraptera). Arthropod Structure and Development 41: 51–63.
Dallai R., , Mercati D., , Gottardo M., , Dossey A.T., , Machida R., , Mashimo Y., & Beutel R.G. (2012b). The male and female reproductive systems of Zorotypus hubbardiCaudell, 1918 (Zoraptera). Arthropod Structure and Development 41: 337–359.
Dallai R., , Gottardo M., , Mercati D., , Machida R., , Mashimo Y., & Beutel R.G. (2013) Divergent mating patterns and a unique mode of external sperm transfer in Zoraptera: An enigmatic group of pterygote insects. Naturwissenschaften 100: 581–594.
Deitz L.L., , Nalepa C., & Klass K.-D. (2003) Phylogeny of the Dictyoptera re-examined (Insecta). Entomologische Abhandlungen 61: 69–91.
Delamare-Deboutteville C. (1947) Sur la morphologie des adultes aptères et ailés de Zoraptères. Annales des Sciences Naturelles - Zoologie et Biologie Animale 11: 145–154.
Engel M.S. (2000) A new Zorotypus from Peru, with notes on related neotropical species (Zoraptera: Zorotypidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 73: 11–20.
Engel M.S. (2003) Phylogeny of the Zoraptera. Entomologische Abhandlungen 61: 147–148.
Engel M.S. (2008) A new apterous Zorotypus in Miocene amber from the Dominican Republic (Zoraptera: Zorotypidae). Acta Entomologica Slovenica 16: 127–136.
Engel M.S., & Grimaldi D.A. (2000) A winged Zorotypus in Miocene amber from the Dominician Republic (Zoraptera: Zorotypidae), with discussion on relationships of and within the order. Acta Geológica Hispánica 35: 149–164.
Engel M.S., & Grimaldi D.A. (2002) The first Mesozoic Zoraptera (Insecta). American Museum Novitates 3362: 1–20.
Friedemann K., , Spangenberg R., , Yoshizawa K., and Beutel R.G. (in press) Evolution of attachment structures in the highly diverse Acercaria. Cladistics, DOI: 10.1111/cla.12030.
Friedrich F., & Beutel R.G. (2008) The thorax of Zorotypus (Hexapoda, Zoraptera) and a new nomenclature for the musculature of Neoptera. Arthropod Structure and Development 37: 29–54.
Gottardo M., , Mercati D., & Dallai R. (2012). The spermatogenesis and sperm structure of Timema poppensis (Insecta: Phasmatodea). Zoomorphology 131: 209–223.
Grimaldi D. (2001) Insect evolutionary history from Handlirsch to Hennig, and beyond. Journal of Paleontology 75: 1152–1160.
Grimaldi D., & Engel M.S. (2005) Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: xv + 755 pp.
Gurney A.B. (1938) A synopsis of the order Zoraptera, with notes on the biology of Zorotypus hubbardi Caudell. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 40: 57–87.
Hennig W. (1953) Kritische Bemerkungen zum phylogenetischen System der Insekten. Beiträge zur Entomologie 3: 1–85.
Hennig W. (1969) Die Stammesgeschichte der Insekten. Waldemar Kramer, Frankfurt am Main, 436 pp.
Hubbard M.D. (1990) A catalog of the order Zoraptera (Insecta). Insecta Mundi 4: 49–66.
Hünefeld F. (2007) The genital morphology of Zorotypus hubbardi Caudell, 1918 (Insecta: Zoraptera: Zorotypidae). Zoomorphology 126: 135–151.
Hwang F.-S. (1974) Zorotypus chinensis [sic], a new species from China. Acta Entomologica Sinica 17: 423–427. (in Chinese, with English summary)
Hwang F.-S. (1976) A new species of Zoraptera. Acta Entomologica Sinica 19: 225–227. (in Chinese, with English summary)
Ishiwata K., , Sasaki G., , Ogawa J., , Miyata T., & Su Z.-H. (2011) Phylogenetic relationships among insect orders based on three nuclear protein-coding gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 58: 169–180.
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Mashimo Y., , Yoshizawa K., , Engel M.S., , Ghani I.A.B., , Dallai R., , Beutel R.G., & Machida R. (2013) Zorotypus in Peninsular Malaysia (Zoraptera: Zorotypidae), with the description of three new species. Zootaxa 3717: 498–514.
Mashimo Y., , Beutel R.G., , Dallai R., , Lee C.-Y., & Machida R. (in press) Embryonic development of Zoraptera with special reference to external morphology, and its phylogenetic implications (Insecta). Journal of Morphology, DOI: 10.1002/jmor.20215
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Yoshizawa K. (2007) The Zoraptera problem: Evidence for Zoraptera + Embiodea from the wing base. Systematic Entomology 32: 197–204.
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Yoshizawa K. & Johnson, K.P. (2006) Morphology of male genitalia in lice and their relatives and phylogenetic implications. Systematic Entomology 31: 350–361.
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Yoshizawa K., & Ninomiya T. (2007) Homology of the wing base sclerites in Ephemeroptera (Insecta: Pterygota)-A reply to Willkommen and Hörnschemeyer. Arthropod Structure and Development 36: 277–279.
Yoshizawa K., & Saigusa T. (2001) Phylogenetic analysis of paraneopteran orders (Insecta: Neoptera) based on forewing base structure, with comments on monophyly of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera). Systematic Entomology 26: 1–13.
Zompro O. (2005) Inter- and intra-ordinal relationships of the Mantophasmatodea, with comments on the phylogeny of polyneopteran orders (Insecta: Polyneoptera). Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 89: 85–116.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
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Zoraptera are a cryptic and enigmatic group of insects. The species diversity is lower than in almost all other groups of Hexapoda, but may be distinctly higher than presently known. Several new species were described from different regions recently. The systematic placement was discussed controversially since the group was discovered 100 years ago. Affinities with Isoptera and Psocoptera were discussed in earlier studies. A sister group relationship with Acercaria (Psocodea, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera) was proposed by W. Hennig, for the first time based on a strictly phylogenetic argumentation. More recent studies consistently suggest a placement among the “lower neopteran orders” (Polyneoptera). Close affinities to Dictyoptera were proposed and alternatively a sister group relationship with Embioptera or with Embioptera + Phasmatodea (Eukinolabia), respectively. The precise placement is still controversial and the intraordinal relationships are largely unclear. Recent transcriptome analyses tentatively suggest a clade Zoraptera + Dermaptera as sister group of all other polyneopteran orders. The oldest fossils are from Cretaceous amber. An extinct genus from this era may be the sister group of all the remaining zorapterans. The knowledge of the morphology, development and features related to the reproductive system greatly increased in recent years. The general body morphology is very uniform, whereas the genitalia differ strongly between species. This is likely due to different kinds of selection, i.e. sexual selection in the case of the genital organs. The mating pattern also differs profoundly within the order. A unique external sperm transfer occurs in Zorotypus impolitus. A species-level phylogeny and more investigations of the reproductive system should have high priority.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1090 | 209 | 29 |
Full Text Views | 327 | 5 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 143 | 14 | 0 |