
The Oldowan in the Egyptian Nile Valley

In: Journal of African Archaeology
Aboualhassan Bakry Department of Egyptology, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University 1 Gamaa Street, Giza, 12613 Egypt

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Ahmed Saied Department of History and Archaeology, College of Arts, Kuwait University Khaldiya Campus, Block 3, Al Firdous Street, P.O. Box 5969, Safat 13060 Kuwait

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Doaa Ibrahim Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Zamalek Head Office 3 El Adel Abou Bakr St., Zamalek, 11561, Cairo Egypt

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Although there is no good “Oldowan” record in the Egyptian Nile Valley, the presence of the “Pebble Tools Tradition” is confirmed by surface finds, scattered in the valley and the deserts, recorded through both early and recent excavations, and confirmed by three important stratified sites at Western Thebes, Nag el Amra and Abassieh. Evidence for the existence of the Oldowan complex in Egypt was found, although there was no water corridor connecting the East African highlands to the Mediterranean, as the Proto-Nile had its sources within Egypt itself at the time of the Plio-Pleistocene boundary. The western coast of the Red Sea also should be considered a possible corridor for early Pleistocene hominins. There is still much more research to be done, especially in the Eastern Egyptian Desert and Sinai, to obtain a clearer picture of the scenario that happened during the Plio-Pleistocene episode of hominin dispersal out of Africa.

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