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Bernard Rollin †, Colorado State University
Barbara de Mori, University of Padua

Managing Editor
Pierfrancesco Biasetti, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research

Editorial Board
Francesco Andreucci, Ethics Laboratory for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation and Animal Welfare
Lilly Edwards, Colorado State University
Daniela Florio, University of Bologna
Elena Mercugliano, University of Padua
Simona Normando, University of Padua
Ilaria Pollastri, University of Padua
Caterina Spiezio, Garda Zoological Park
Maria Michela Spiriti, University of Padua
Gregory Vogt, Conservation Guardians

Scientific Board
Cesare Avesani (Arca Foundation), Francesca Bandoli (Giardino zoologico di Pistoia), Anna Bastian (University of Kwazulu-Natal), Luisella Battaglia (Istituto Italiano di Bioetica), Marc Bekoff (University of Colorado), Sabrina Brando (AnimalConcepts), Michele Capasso (University of Federico II), Terry Engle (Colorado State University), David Fraser (The University of British Columbia), Cristina Giacoma (University of Turin), Claudia Gili (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples), Temple Grandin (Colorado State University), Thomas Hildebrandt (Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research), Heribert Hofer (Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research), Lynne Kesel (Colorado State University), Andrew Knight (University of Winchester), Antoinette Kotze (National Zoological Gardens), Raoul Manenti (University of Milan), Christel Moons (Gent University), David Morton (University of Birmingham), Dietelmo Pievani (Padua University), Simone Pollo (University La Sapienza), William Ellery Samuels (City University of New York), Peter Sandøe (University of Copenhagen), Paola Valsecchi (University of Parma), Augusto Vitale (Istituto Superiore di Sanità)
Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research
Call for papers: Special Issue on Will Cultured Meat and Fish Save Nonhuman Animals? On Promises and Perils of Consuming Animal Cells for Food
Guest Editor: Arianna Ferrari
Submission deadline: 1 February 2025

The possibility of cultivating animal cells in the laboratory and using them for food products has long been discussed in the scientific literature, but only recently has it become a viable option as some products have entered the market. Cultured meat and fish can reduce the number of animals used for food, are associated with less soil and water consumption, and have been described by some as facilitating a "moral revolution" in overcoming animal exploitation.

For the most part, the debate about cultured meat and animal ethics has focused on whether this innovation is morally permissible or even effective and efficient, without considering the details of cell extraction and its impact on animals, as well as broader issues related to how this innovation will affect the concrete lives of the animals used. With this special issue, we would like to highlight the practical aspects associated with the use of animals for the production of cultured meat and fish, the animal welfare issues, and possible scenarios of coexistence with humans and animals in a farmed meat and fish economy.

This special issue of Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research welcomes commentaries, original research or review articles and perspectives contributions regarding the ethics of cultivating animal cells for food products. Contributions that take up the question about the interests of individual animals themselves are very welcomed, but we are equally interested in contributions that explore the ethics of cultivating animal cells for food products from a variety of perspectives and theoretical frameworks. Contributions are welcome from a broad range of disciplines, including (but not limited to) humanities, social science, law, and veterinary and other natural science, both from academics and from people directly involved and faced daily with ethically-based choices in their activity in the field.

Instructions for authors
All papers should be in English (either UK or USA, but not a mixture of the two), be original and deal with relevant ethical issues. Papers may be full papers or short communications.
Submission of an article for publication in any of Brill’s journals implies that you have read and agreed to Brill’s Ethical and Legal Conditions. The Ethical and Legal Conditions can be found at:
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Authors should submit their manuscript online via the Editorial Manager (EM) online submission system at: First-time users of EM need to register first.

About the Journal
The Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research is an on-line international and interdisciplinary scientific publication edited by Barbara de Mori and published by Brill. It publishes the results of original peer-reviewed research, technical studies, and reviews that bring to the light the ethical issues involved in all dimensions of animals ’treatment, ranging from theoretical to more applied contributions, in the field of companion and laboratory animals, animals involved in agriculture, sports, conservation and so forth. Emphasis is placed on research that explores practical ethical issues intrinsic to animal use in the different fields. The journal also publishes papers that examine and discuss ethical frames, tools and methodologies applied to moral issues in the human/animal relationship.

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Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research

Ethics for Animal Welfare, Veterinary Medicine, and Conservation

The Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research is an international and interdisciplinary scientific publication. It publishes the results of original peer-reviewed research, technical studies, and reviews that bring to the light the ethical issues involved in all dimensions of animal welfare, ranging from theoretical to applied contributions. Emphasis is placed on research that explores practical ethical issues related to animal care and management in veterinary medicine, conservation, companion and laboratory animals, animals involved in agriculture, sport, applied ethology and welfare science. The journal also publishes papers that examine and discuss ethical frames, tools and methodologies applied to moral issues in the human/animal relationship.
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