Through the combined study of Hittite cuneiform texts and the iconography of Hittite relief vases (Anatolia of the second half of the second millennium BCE), this paper addresses the ceremonial garments of key participants in cultic ceremonies, namely the royal couple, priests and priestesses, as well as festival entertainers. The paper also discusses a particular gesture which is frequently mentioned in Hittite religious texts: the act consisting of seizing someone else’s šeknu-garment. We argue that such a gesture might be related to the purity rules regarding the Great King’s body. Throughout this paper, several correspondences between the iconography and the textual evidence are also suggested.
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Through the combined study of Hittite cuneiform texts and the iconography of Hittite relief vases (Anatolia of the second half of the second millennium BCE), this paper addresses the ceremonial garments of key participants in cultic ceremonies, namely the royal couple, priests and priestesses, as well as festival entertainers. The paper also discusses a particular gesture which is frequently mentioned in Hittite religious texts: the act consisting of seizing someone else’s šeknu-garment. We argue that such a gesture might be related to the purity rules regarding the Great King’s body. Throughout this paper, several correspondences between the iconography and the textual evidence are also suggested.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1292 | 237 | 29 |
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