Kelly-Ann Allen, Monash University
Christopher Boyle, University of Adelaide
Gökmen Arslan, University of Melbourne

Associate Editors Rachel Bleeze, University of Adelaide
Russel Fox, Monash University

Editorial Board
Dianne Vella-Brodrick, University of Melbourne
Erica Frydenberg, University of Melbourne
Michael Furlong, University of California, Santa Barbara
Annie Gowing, University of Melbourne
DeLeon L. Gray, North Carolina State University
Mark R. Leary, Duke University
Fiona Longmuir, Monash University
Lindsay Oades, University of Melbourne
Saeed Pahlevansharif, Taylor´s University
Olympia Palikara, University of Warwick
Kathryn Riley, University College London
Hamid Sharif Nia, Mazandaran University of Medical Science
Terrell L. Strayhorn, Virginia Union University

Download the essay 'On Human Being' by Journal of Belonging and Human Connection Editors-in-Chief Kelly-Ann Allen or Christopher Boyle here.

Journal of Belonging and Human Connection


A sense of belonging is a fundamental human need. Alarmingly, research tells us that a significant portion of the population feel lonely and like they don’t belong. Loneliness has become an epidemic and people in adolescence and old age groups are at risk. Having a sense of belonging has widespread physiological and psychological benefits, with positive outcomes that transcend the lifespan, and possibly generations. The need to belong is common for all people irrespective of culture, race, ethnicity, geography, or location.

The aim of this journal is to present contemporary research on belonging, human connection and loneliness and draw together transdisciplinary approaches and theoretical orientations to address a burgeoning issue of our time. A secondary aim of the journal is to highlight how detrimental a lack of belonging is for psychological and physical functioning. The Journal of Belonging and Human Connection (JBHC) is a direct response to a critical issue and seeks to provide a platform for which we can begin to address it.

For questions and/or submissions please contact the Editors-in-Chief Kelly-Ann Allen or Christopher Boyle.