This article seeks to analyze recent developments in overseas media in the Chinese language in France. To do so it underlines the links between these media, created for and by Chinese migrants, and the trajectory of an entrepreneurial diaspora within the host country. The vast bulk of data is drawn from a qualitative study of several media organizations of the Chinese diaspora in France. In particular, a comparative study of two media, Ouzhou shibao and Huarenjie, has enabled an examination of a twofold interrelated phenomenon. On the one hand, the changes in commercial strategy to respond to the evolution of the Chinese diaspora in France, and, on the other, the relations between the Paris-based Chinese ethnic media and the authorities of the country of origin. It is argued that these media contribute to building social and political capital for the Chinese diasporic entrepreneurs in France.
本文试图分析法国海外华文媒体的近来发展状况,强调在定居国由移民群体成立并为之服务发展的华文媒体与流散企业家群体的形成发展密切相关。本文基于对多家法国华人流散族群所经营的媒体组织的定性调研数据研究,尤其是对《欧洲时 报》和《华人街》两家媒体所存在的现象进行了比较分析,指出华人族群媒体的商业发展战略转变,一方面不仅与法国华人流散族群的人口发展演进相关;另一方面还与祖籍国官方及外交机构所保持的关系相关。研究表明华人族群媒体的形成为法国华人流散企业家群体的发展致力于构建一种政治社会资本。
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All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1261 | 154 | 11 |
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This article seeks to analyze recent developments in overseas media in the Chinese language in France. To do so it underlines the links between these media, created for and by Chinese migrants, and the trajectory of an entrepreneurial diaspora within the host country. The vast bulk of data is drawn from a qualitative study of several media organizations of the Chinese diaspora in France. In particular, a comparative study of two media, Ouzhou shibao and Huarenjie, has enabled an examination of a twofold interrelated phenomenon. On the one hand, the changes in commercial strategy to respond to the evolution of the Chinese diaspora in France, and, on the other, the relations between the Paris-based Chinese ethnic media and the authorities of the country of origin. It is argued that these media contribute to building social and political capital for the Chinese diasporic entrepreneurs in France.
本文试图分析法国海外华文媒体的近来发展状况,强调在定居国由移民群体成立并为之服务发展的华文媒体与流散企业家群体的形成发展密切相关。本文基于对多家法国华人流散族群所经营的媒体组织的定性调研数据研究,尤其是对《欧洲时 报》和《华人街》两家媒体所存在的现象进行了比较分析,指出华人族群媒体的商业发展战略转变,一方面不仅与法国华人流散族群的人口发展演进相关;另一方面还与祖籍国官方及外交机构所保持的关系相关。研究表明华人族群媒体的形成为法国华人流散企业家群体的发展致力于构建一种政治社会资本。
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1261 | 154 | 11 |
Full Text Views | 83 | 3 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 113 | 11 | 0 |