
“The Italian Job”: Approaching and Tackling Diffuse Soil Pollution in the EU and the Italian Context

In: Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law
Paolo Bevilacqua Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Trieste,

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Matteo Fermeglia Department of Law, University of Udine and University of Trieste,

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Luca Toneatti Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Trieste,

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Salvatore Dore University of Trieste,

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Diffuse soil pollution is an example of damage caused by human activities and can be understood in the urban context as a combination of causes due to the presence of various and multiple sources of contamination, such as: car traffic, industrial activities and heating. Importantly, the steadfast expansion of city districts over time has brought either industrial activities to enclose residential areas or (although in a few cases) neighborhoods to envelop previously highly industrialized areas. In Italy, both phenomena represent a widely acknowledged reality, e.g., the municipalities of Taranto and Trieste.

Yet, despite the widespread awareness of the impact of this form of pollution on natural resources and human health, EU environmental legislation depicts an overall picture of fragmentation and poor coordination. Thus, Italian local administrations are striving to devise appropriate methodologies and planificatory measures to bridge such regulatory gap and ultimately find an adequate and comprehensive solution to the problem.

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