The aim of the article is to trace the history of faience figurines in late Middle Kingdom Egypt, following a metanarrative level of synthesis. Moving from one of the most visible changes in the course of history, the turn from Modernism to Postmodernism, the article defines a key to read the path of faience figurine production from their appearance in the late Middle Kingdom to their disuse at the end of the Second Intermediate Period: changes in the pattern of society correspond to the production of a different material culture and to the abandonment of previous perceptions. Faience figurines represent a diagnostic category of objects defining a specific epoch. Their value as historical signatures is here used to supply a different interpretation for the history of the Second Intermediate Period Egypt, integrating microhistories with bigger pictures, as a combination of Postmodernism and Grand Narratives approaches.
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Berman, All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, 131–71; Best, Kellner, The Postmodern Turn, 17–88, 126–27.
Jameson, Postmodernism or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, xii.
Grajetzki, The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, 51–61; Willems, “The First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom,” 95–99.
Bourriau, The Second Intermediate Period, 172–206; Ryholt, The Political Situation; Beckerath, Untersuchungen zur politischen Geschichte.
Mariette, Les papyrus Egyptien, 6–7; Berlev, “Замечания к папирусу Булак 18.”
See Ryholt, The Political Situation, 265–81; Polz, Der Beginn des Neuen Reiches, 5–114. New recent bibliography in Miniaci, “Through change and tradition.”
Quirke, “The Residence in Relations”; Bourriau, “Change of Body Position,” 11–20; Miniaci, “Rishi coffins and the bright destiny.”
Pinch, “Redefining Funerary Objects,” 445. Dunand, Fouilles de Byblos, 1933–1938, pls. 94–108.
Bourriau, “Patterns of change,” 14; Miniaci and Quirke, “Reconceiving the tomb in the late Middle Kingdom,” 358–359.
See Miniaci, “The necropolis of Dra Abu el-Naga,” 19; Miniaci, “The archaeological exploration of Dra Abu el-Naga,” 50–51.
See discussion in Grajetzki, The coffin of Zemathor, 26, 33–37.
Vassalli, I monumenti istorici egizi, 131. The reference is to the tomb of Hornakht in whose coffin the throw-stick of prince Tuau (read Tjuiu) was found. Miniaci, Rishi coffins, 58 and Cat. rT01VA.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years’ Explorations at Thebes, 51–2. See Miniaci, RishiCoffins, 90.
Bauman, Intimations of Postmodernity, 188. Issues of gender, race, ethnicity, class, which in the previous time played a small role, gradually found a place in the debate on post-modernism and eventually came to constitute one of its major themes, Bertens, The Idea of the Postmodern, 74.
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The aim of the article is to trace the history of faience figurines in late Middle Kingdom Egypt, following a metanarrative level of synthesis. Moving from one of the most visible changes in the course of history, the turn from Modernism to Postmodernism, the article defines a key to read the path of faience figurine production from their appearance in the late Middle Kingdom to their disuse at the end of the Second Intermediate Period: changes in the pattern of society correspond to the production of a different material culture and to the abandonment of previous perceptions. Faience figurines represent a diagnostic category of objects defining a specific epoch. Their value as historical signatures is here used to supply a different interpretation for the history of the Second Intermediate Period Egypt, integrating microhistories with bigger pictures, as a combination of Postmodernism and Grand Narratives approaches.
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