The conventional view of markets for land, labour, and capital as a modern, Western phenomenon is questionable. Factor markets did indeed exist in Iraq, and even thrived, in various parts of its pre-modern history, including the period around 2000 bce, the “long” sixth century (c. 620-480 bce), and the eighth and ninth centuries ce. By employing the long-term approach used in this issue of jesho and by placing the organization of these markets in their wider social-political context, we can understand better how these markets developed, how they functioned, and why they rose and declined again.
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See, for instance, Erdkamp 2005: 106-205, and several chapters in van der Spek et al. 2013.
The estimate, based on Adams (1981), is criticized by other scholars, including Walter Scheidel, as too high.
Waines 1977: 286; Campopiano 2012: 5-50; Adams 1965: 71, 84-85; Ashtor 1976: 63, 172.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 551 | 46 | 6 |
Full Text Views | 260 | 5 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 133 | 19 | 0 |
The conventional view of markets for land, labour, and capital as a modern, Western phenomenon is questionable. Factor markets did indeed exist in Iraq, and even thrived, in various parts of its pre-modern history, including the period around 2000 bce, the “long” sixth century (c. 620-480 bce), and the eighth and ninth centuries ce. By employing the long-term approach used in this issue of jesho and by placing the organization of these markets in their wider social-political context, we can understand better how these markets developed, how they functioned, and why they rose and declined again.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 551 | 46 | 6 |
Full Text Views | 260 | 5 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 133 | 19 | 0 |