This paper studies the evidence for the existence of a labour market, a market for agricultural land, and a market for capital in Babylonia from the sixth to the third century bce. The argument is informed by our current understanding of the performance of Babylonian commodity markets, for which abundant quantitative information is available. I attempt to establish a connection between the general political and socio-economic development in Babylonia from the sixth century onwards and the increase and decrease of the role that can be attributed to factor markets.
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Royal estates in Stolper 2007: no. 19; land grants to Iranian officials: e.g., be 9, 102, oect 12 ab 243, oect 10, 192; see Stolper 1995: 224; estates of Persian nobles and members of the royal family: e.g., Stolper 2006, 2007: nos. 6 and 15; estates of royal officials of Babylonian extraction: e.g., oect 10, 197; much of the evidence from the Tattannu and Bābāya (“Kasr”) archives also belongs here, Jursa 2005: 61, 94-97.
See Pirngruber 2012: 34-36 on the difficulty in interpreting these data. Pirngruber does not see in these prices convincing evidence for a contraction of the money supply and rightly points out that, throughout the fifth century, as far as we know, prices remained high, while the fall in prices in the fourth century occurred in a short period, of forty to fifty years. Our assumption is that some deflation is probable a priori but that the price development was influenced also by other short-term factors.
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Abstract Views | 449 | 58 | 4 |
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This paper studies the evidence for the existence of a labour market, a market for agricultural land, and a market for capital in Babylonia from the sixth to the third century bce. The argument is informed by our current understanding of the performance of Babylonian commodity markets, for which abundant quantitative information is available. I attempt to establish a connection between the general political and socio-economic development in Babylonia from the sixth century onwards and the increase and decrease of the role that can be attributed to factor markets.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 449 | 58 | 4 |
Full Text Views | 144 | 3 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 89 | 8 | 0 |