The neighborhood of Kababir in Haifa is known as the center of the Ahmadiyya community in the Middle East. It was established in the nineteen century as a hamlet, and was later annexed to the municipality of Haifa. The article traces the history of Kababir since its establishment until 1964 and observes the accelerated transition from rural to urban life at the periphery of an expanding city. The story of Kababir thus illustrates one path to urbanism within Palestinian society. Based on local written and oral sources the article also shows the role of collective memory in interpreting past events and constructing cultural identity.
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G. Schumacher, “Population List of the Liva Akka.” Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 19/3 (1887): 178. On Schumacher and the projects entrusted to him, see Y. Ben Artzi, “Gottlieb Schumacher–Mapot ve-Tokhniot le-Pituah Heifa be-Shalhey ha-Me’a ha-19.” Cathedra 73 (1994): 62-82.
R. A. Segal, Myth: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004): 4-6.
G. M. Kressel and R. Aharoni, Egyptian Émigrés in the Levant of the 19th and 20th Centuries (Jerusalem: Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 2013); A. Carmel, Toldot Heifa bi-Yemey ha-Turkim (Jerusalem: Yad Ben Zvi, 1977): 156, 169-73; B. Kimmerling and J. S. Migdal, Palestinians: The Making of a People (New York: The Free Press, 1993): 36-63.
G. Alroey, Ha-Mahapekha ha-Shketa: Ha-Hagira ha-Yehudit me-ha-Imperia ha-Rusit 1875-1924 (Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 2008): 207-11.
T. Goren, Shituf be-Tzel ‘Imut: ‘Aravim ve-Yehudim ba-Shilton ha-Mekomi be-Heifa bi-Tkufat ha-Mandat (Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University, 2008): 55.
D. Shoval, “Heifa shel Ma’ala,” Al ha-Mishmar, 22 May 1944: 2; Goren, Shituf be-Tzel ‘Imut: 336. A few herd owners in Kababir continued to raise sheep, goats and cows until the 1950s or 1960s. Interview with A. H., Haifa, 4 September 2014.
J. Vashitz, “Hagirat Kafriyim le-Heifa bi-Tkufat ha-Mandat—Tahalikh shel ‘Iyur?” Cathedra 45 (1987): 113-33; N. Ben Ze’ev, “Bein Kfar le-’Ir: Hayey Mehagrim Kafriyim be-Heifa bi-Tqufat ha-Mandat” (PhD dissertation, Ben Gurion University, Be’er Sheva, 2010): 27-60; M. Yazbak, “Ha-Hagira ha-’Arvit le-Heifa, 1933-1948” (M.A. thesis, University of Haifa, 1984).
Y. Friedman, Prophecy Continuous: Aspects of Ahmadi Religious Thought and its Medieval Background (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2003): 1-46; W. C. Smith, “Ahmadiyya.” In Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd ed. (Leiden: Brill, 1960).
Interview with M. A., Haifa, 15 August 2014.
Interview with A. H., Haifa, 4 September 2014. A similar version of a son recruiting his father and grandfather—the first Ahmadiyya members from the ʿOdeh family—appears in the official Ahmadiyya Arabic website: “Min Ṣulaḥāʾ al-ʿArab.”
A. Ayalon, Reading Palestine: Printing and Literacy, 1900-1948 (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2004): 37-8.
Interview with B. O., Haifa, 28 August 2014.
Ibid.: 27, 34-8, 176; S. Lavan, The Ahmadiyya Movement: A History and Perspective (Delhi: Manohar Book Service, 1974): esp. 156-8.
A. Likhovski, Law and Identity in Mandate Palestine (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2006): 31-3.
P. Sartori and I. Shahar, “Legal Pluralism in Muslim-Majority Colonies: Mapping the Terrain.” Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient 55 (2012): 637-63; S. A. Kugle, “Framed, Blamed and Renamed: The Recasting of Islamic Jurisprudence in Colonial South Asia.” Modern Asian Studies 35/2 (2001): 257-313.
B. Anderson, Imagined Communities (London: Verso, 2nd ed., 1991): 166-7.
P. Shifman, Diney ha-Mishpaha be-Israel (Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute, Faculty of Law, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2nd ed., 1995): vol. 1, 80-1.
Hagana report from 23 April, 1948, idfa, 2-464/1954: 266.
Interview with F. M., Haifa, 25 August 2014.
A. Y. Degani, “The decline and fall of the Israeli Military Government, 1948-1966: a case of settler-colonial consolidation?” Settler Colonial Studies 5/1 (2014): 84-99; S. Ozacky-Lazar, “Ha-Mimshal ha-Tzva’i ke-Manganon Shlita ba-Ezrahim ha-’Arvim: he-’Asor ha-Rishon, 1948-1958,” Hamizrah Hehadash 43 (2002): 103-13; Alina Korn, “Crime and Legal Control: The Israeli Arab Population during the Military Government Period (1948-66).” The British Journal of Criminology 40/4 (2000): 574-93.
Interview with F. M., Haifa, 25 August 2014. Prior to his tenure as the Mayor of Haifa, Khoushy was the chairperson of the Haifa Workers’ Council. Obviously, his connections with the Jewish Labor Organization (Histadrut) made him a contact person for the unemployed.
Map of Haifa, 1:12,500, Zvi Friedlander, 1964.
See Confino, “Collective Memory”: 1388. For an example where the theoretical and methodological approaches presented in this article are employed, see his insightful article: A. Confino. “Miracles and Snow in Palestine and Israel: Tantura, a Story of 1948.” Israel Studies 17/2 (2012): 25-61.
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The neighborhood of Kababir in Haifa is known as the center of the Ahmadiyya community in the Middle East. It was established in the nineteen century as a hamlet, and was later annexed to the municipality of Haifa. The article traces the history of Kababir since its establishment until 1964 and observes the accelerated transition from rural to urban life at the periphery of an expanding city. The story of Kababir thus illustrates one path to urbanism within Palestinian society. Based on local written and oral sources the article also shows the role of collective memory in interpreting past events and constructing cultural identity.
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