This article focuses on the contentious process that characterized the slow, gradual abolition of slavery in Colombia and New Granada between 1821 and 1852. I investigate how in this period slaveowners in the southwest advocated for their right to export their slaves as a form of punishment. In the foundation of the antislavery Colombian Republic, the 1821 manumission law had prohibited Colombians from participating in slave trading. Yet the slave-owning elite justified their appeal for exporting their enslaved property by claiming that selling the slaves outside of Colombian territory (New Granadan after Colombia was dissolved in 1830) was a strategy to get rid of the Afro-descendant populations, whom they considered to be dangerous to the social order. I also study how the position of the enslaved in the southwestern region was politicized both by the military dynamics and legal changes underway after independence. Justifying slave exports as a punishment of the “unruly slaves” was not only a strategy of the slaveowners to regain their capital. It was, mainly, a form of empowerment in response to the challenges they faced as a class in the context of gradual abolition, including the state’s courting of slaves through antislavery legislation.
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All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1051 | 306 | 71 |
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This article focuses on the contentious process that characterized the slow, gradual abolition of slavery in Colombia and New Granada between 1821 and 1852. I investigate how in this period slaveowners in the southwest advocated for their right to export their slaves as a form of punishment. In the foundation of the antislavery Colombian Republic, the 1821 manumission law had prohibited Colombians from participating in slave trading. Yet the slave-owning elite justified their appeal for exporting their enslaved property by claiming that selling the slaves outside of Colombian territory (New Granadan after Colombia was dissolved in 1830) was a strategy to get rid of the Afro-descendant populations, whom they considered to be dangerous to the social order. I also study how the position of the enslaved in the southwestern region was politicized both by the military dynamics and legal changes underway after independence. Justifying slave exports as a punishment of the “unruly slaves” was not only a strategy of the slaveowners to regain their capital. It was, mainly, a form of empowerment in response to the challenges they faced as a class in the context of gradual abolition, including the state’s courting of slaves through antislavery legislation.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1051 | 306 | 71 |
Full Text Views | 58 | 9 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 112 | 29 | 1 |