Yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor), the larva stage of darkling beetle, confers high nutritional and functional protein and it can serve as a sustainable protein source. The present study therefore evaluated the effect of replacing the egg yolk as emulsifier with yellow mealworm protein hydrolysate powder (YMPH) (0-100%) at 20% increment levels on the rheological and textural properties, colour attributes, emulsion microstructure and storage stability of mayonnaise. The emulsion stability results demonstrated that mayonnaise with up to 60% substitution of YMPH displayed excellent storage stability for 3 weeks (<2% phase separation). In terms of textural properties, all samples showed no significant difference (
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Yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor), the larva stage of darkling beetle, confers high nutritional and functional protein and it can serve as a sustainable protein source. The present study therefore evaluated the effect of replacing the egg yolk as emulsifier with yellow mealworm protein hydrolysate powder (YMPH) (0-100%) at 20% increment levels on the rheological and textural properties, colour attributes, emulsion microstructure and storage stability of mayonnaise. The emulsion stability results demonstrated that mayonnaise with up to 60% substitution of YMPH displayed excellent storage stability for 3 weeks (<2% phase separation). In terms of textural properties, all samples showed no significant difference (
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
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