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Henning Schreiber, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Peter Siemund, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Associate Editor:
Alexandra Aikhenvald, Jawun Research Centre, Central Queensland University, Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Founding Editor:
Robert Nicolaï, Prof. em., University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France

Editorial Board:
Bao Zhiming, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Maarten Kossmann, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
Isabelle Léglise, CNRS, Paris, France
Yaron Matras, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Marianne Mithun, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Annie Montaut, INALCO, Paris, France
Maarten Mous, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
Salikoko Mufwene, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Alexander Onysko, Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria
Brigitte Pakendorf, Dynamique du Langage, CNRS, Lyon, France
Martine Vanhove, CNRS, Paris, France
Patrick Zeller, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany

Advisory Board:
Ahmad Al-Issa, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Roger Blench, University of Cambridge, Cambidge, UK; Kay Williamson Educational Foundation, UK; University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria
Bernard Comrie, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
Zygmunt Frajzyngier, Prof. em., University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Jeffrey Heath, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Bernd Heine, Prof. em., University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Malcolm Ross, Prof. em., Australian National University, College of Asia and the Pacific, Canberra, Australia
Sarah G. Thomason, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Ekkehard Wolff, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany

In memoriam:
†Tucker Childs, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, USA
†Andrée Tabouret-Keller, UA 668 du CNRS, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France
Communication Source
CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts
Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science)
Linguistic Bibliography
Henning Schreiber (PhD 2006 in African Linguistics, University of Frankfurt) is Professor in African Linguistics at the University of Hamburg since 2016. He has worked on historical comparative linguistics, language typology and has done extensive field research in African sociolinguistics and contact-induced variation. His publications include works on comparative linguistics, language contact, social network sociolinguistics and areal linguistics.
Peter Siemund (PhD 1997 in English Linguistics, FU Berlin) has been Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Hamburg since 2001. He pursues a crosslinguistic typological approach in his work on reflexivity and self-intensifiers, pronominal gender, interrogative constructions, speech acts and clause types, argument structure, tense and aspect, varieties of English, language contact, and multilingual development.
Alexandra Aikhenvald (PhD 1984 in Linguistics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Doctor of Letters 2006, La Trobe University) is Professor and Research Leader (People and Societies of the Tropics) at the Centre for Indigenous Health Equity Research, Central Queensland University (Cairns, Queensland, Australia). She has published extensively on area linguistics and language contact, and linguistic and cultural features of South America and New Guinea, in addition to several grammars of Arawak languages from Amazonia. She is the author of seminal monographs Classifiers, Evidentiality and Imperatives and commands, and has also published on other issues in linguistic typology.
Robert Nicolaï (Docteur es Lettres en linguistique 1979, Alexander von Humboldt Research Award 1997, Membre Senior de l’Institut Universitaire de France 2004) is Emeritus Professor at the University of Nice. He is a specialist in the field of Songhay linguistics and published important studies on the Songhay dialects and sociolects. These studies led him to pose more general and theoretical questions concerning the methods and limits of the comparative-historical approach to languages without written historical sources and the theory of language change, enriching his ideas with new, unexpected and challenging reflections in the field of research cognition, sociolinguistics and epistemology.

Journal of Language Contact

Evolution of Languages, Contact and Discourse

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The Journal of Language Contact (JLC) is a journal focused on the study of language contact, language use and language change in accordance with a view of language contact whereby both empirical data (the precise description of languages and how they are used) and the resulting theoretical elaborations (hence the statement and analysis of new problems) become the primary engines for advancing our understanding of the nature of language. This involves linguistic, anthropological, historical, and cognitive factors. Such an approach makes a major new contribution to understanding language change at a time when there is a notable increase of interest and activity in this field.
The Journal of Language Contact accepts articles in English and French.
Peer Review Policy: The Journal of Language Contact (JLC) is a double-anonymous peer-reviewed journal. Each article published has been reviewed anonymously by at least two external reviewers. This includes articles published in special issues.

Journal of Language Contact (JLC) est une revue focalisée sur les problématiques et les dynamiques de la transformation des langues et des pratiques langagières dans les situations de contact au sein desquelles elles se développent normalement et naturellement.
Les orientations de recherche retenues s’appuient à la fois sur l’étude des données empiriques (descriptions précises) et sur le développement d’une réflexion théorique corrélative (qui peut faire émerger de nouvelles questions et de nouvelles problématiques). L’articulation entre approche empirique et réflexion théorique est ici considérée comme essentielle, car assurant la base même de notre compréhension des phénomènes linguistiques saisis à travers les effets et les conséquences de leur usage.
Ce positionnement suppose d’ouvrir la perspective au-delà des questions strictement linguistiques et de retenir la pertinence des facteurs anthropologiques, historiques et cognitifs. L’objectif final de Journal of Language Contact est d’accompagner la recherche et d’œuvrer pour des contributions majeures dans le champ.
Journal of Language Contact accepte les articles en anglais et en français.
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