Editorial Board:
Gideon Sapir (Editor-in-Chief), Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Michael Helfand, Pepperdine University, USA
Esther Erlings (Book Review Editor), Flinders University, Australia

Deputy Editor:
Amos Israel, Sapir Academic College, School of Law, Israel

International Advisory Board:
Rex Ahdar, University of Otago, New Zealand
Anver Emon, University of Toronto, Canada
Silvio Ferrari, University of Milan, Italy
Jonathan Fox, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Moshe Halbertal, Hebrew University, Israel & New York University, USA
Christine Hayes, Yale University, USA
Michael Karayanni, Hebrew University, Israel
Menny Mautner, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Michael Perry, Emory University, USA
Yaffa Zilbershatz, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Haim Shapira, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Suzanne Stone, Cardozo Law School, USA
Jeremy Waldron, New York University, USA & Oxford University, UK
Michael Walzer, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA
Joseph Weiler, New York University, USA
General Call for Papers: Submission of articles in the following areas: religion and state; legal and political aspects of all religious traditions; comparative research of different religious legal systems and their interrelations are welcomed, as are contributions from multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. Download as PDF

Contact: Deputy editor, Dr. Amos Israel:

Book review editor, Dr. Esther Erlings:

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Legal scholars and political scientists that are interested in realms such as law and religion, law and culture, constitutional law and legal history; scholars of religion studies and modern theologians of all religions.

Journal of Law, Religion and State

Gideon Sapir
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This journal ceases publication with Volume 12 (2024).

The Journal of Law Religion and State provides an international forum for the study of the interactions between law and religion and between religion and state. It seeks to explore these interactions from legal and constitutional as well as from internal religious perspectives. The JLRS is a peer-reviewed journal that is committed to a broad and open discussion on a cross-cultural basis.

Submission of articles in the following areas: religion and state; legal and political aspects of all religious traditions; comparative research of different religious legal systems and their interrelations are welcomed as are contributions from multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives.

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