
Modeling Cooperative Peacekeeping

Exchange Theory and the African Peace and Security Regime

In: Journal of International Peacekeeping
Malte Brosig Department of International Relations, University of the WitwatersrandJohannesburg, South Africa,

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Dimpho Motsamai Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria, South Africa,

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Analyses of overlapping international organizations (ios) in security governance has gradually reached mainstream research. However, theory building is still in its infancy. Thus, this article aims to substantiate theory building by applying exchange theory to io interplay. Empirically, the article focuses on the African peace and security regime, which constitutes an interlocking system of global and regional governance, integrating both African and non-African ios. The article argues that inter-institutional cooperation is primarily driven by a functional logic of resource complementarity, compelled by resource scarcity. However, in practice, ios do not easily complement each other. The article finds that divergence of security concepts; the absence of institutional match and the strife for institutional autonomy can hamper cooperation significantly.

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