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The author can be contacted at: <ws218@cam.ac.uk>. 1 For further details of the enlargement, see Enlarging Europe, available at: <news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/ spl/hi/europe/04/enlarging_europe/html/introduction.stm> (last visited 16 September 2004). See also infomiation about enlargement at the European Union's official Website, at: (europa.eu.int/comm/cnlargel11ent/ enlargel11ent.htl11) (last visited 10 September 2004). 2 Further details of these new Member States arc available at the BOB(: and EU Websites, ibid. I For a discussion of the legal framework governing Sino-EU 15 investment relations, see Wenhua Shan, Towards a New Legal Framework for BU-China Investment Relations, 34 Journal of World Trade 5, October 2000, at pp. 137-179.
I For more about the company, see Brief Introduction, at its own Website, at: www.ciiipoll)rok.oiiliiie.sll.( I]/ e-gsjj.htm� (last visited 10 September 2004). ' For details about Sino-Cyprus relations, visit China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MfA) official Website: <www.fmprc.gov.cn/cng/wjb/zzjg/xos/gjlb/2808/default.htm> (last visited 13 March 2005). � Ibid. 7 Xin Zhang, Thc Law and Practice of International Taxation Treaties ill Cliina, Wildy, Simmonds and I lill, London, 2003, in Appendix 1, "China's Rouble Tax Treaties and Arrangements", at pp. z685. 1 Ibid. See also General Information About Cyprus, at the MFA Website, at: <www.mfa.gov.cu/chn/wjb/zzjg/ xos/gjlb/1404/ Ld0-1x0/detault.htnu (last visited 10 September 2004). 9 For further details, see Sino-Czech Relations, at the MFA Website, at: <www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb/ zzjg/xos/gjlb/3160/default.htm' (last visited 13 March 2005). See also Sino-Czech Erorurrnir Relations, at the Website of the Ministry of Commerce of China (MoFCOnn), at: <ozs.mofcom.gov.cn/article/200208/ 20020800037999 l.xmi. (in Chinese) (last visited 24 August 2004). '" Sim>-Czech Economic Relations, ibid. 11 bid. i- Ibid. " Ibid. 1-4 Sino— Czech Relations, sulnn, footnote 9. 15 Sino-Czcch Economic Relations, supra, footnote 9. 'h Ibid. 17 Ibid.
11Sino-Estonia EconomicRelations, at the MOFCOM official Website, at: {Ozs.1110tèoI11.gov.cn/article/ 200208/20020800U37919 l.xnil' (in Chinese) (last visited 24 August 2004). For general Sino-Estouia relations (including trade relations), see Sino-Estonia Relations, at the MFA Website, at: (www.fil1prc.gov.cn/eng/ wjb/z7jg/xos/��lb/31 65/default.htiii, (last visited 13 March 2005). II} Sillo-Est(Hlia Economic Relations, ibid. 20 Sillo-Est(mia Rclations, sura, footnote 18. �I Sino-Estouia Economic Relations, supra, footnote 18. z= See Sino— Hungary Economic Relations, at the Morcotvt official Website, at: <ozs.mofcom.gov.cn/ article/200208/2002080003595t_l.xm)< (in Chinese) (last visited 24 August 2004). See also Sino-Hungary Relations, at the MFA Website, at: www.fiiiprc.gov.cii/crig/wjb/zzjg/xos/ob/3175/default.htni, (last visited 13 March 2005). 13 Sil1o-Hwlxary EW1/o11lif Relations, ibid. 24 Ibid. 2.1 Siw)-HIIIIX¡1rY Relations, supra, footnote 22. 16 Sitit�Hiiii,�ary Economic Relations, supra, footnote 22. 27 Sino-Hungary Relations, supra, footnote 22. 2H Ibid. 29 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation (now MOFCOM), Col/ccti'>l1 '?f International Investment Treaties, jiiiggiiaiijiaowti Press, Beijing (in Chinese and English), at 560-571. 111 Zhang, supra, footnote 7.
11 For more detail, sec Sino-Latl'ia Relations, at the MFA Website, at: (www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/w]b/ zzjg/xos/gjlb/3190/defauILhtrn) (last visited 13 March 2005). See also Sino-Latvia Economic Relations, at the MoFCxovt Website, at: <ozs.mofcom.gov.cn/article/200208/20020800()35978_l.xnil' (in Chinese) (last visited 24 August 2004). 32 Sino- Latvia Relations, ibid. 33 Ibid. 3; Ibid. 35 Ibid. 31, Ibid. 31 The text of this BIT is available at the Mofcom Website, at: <tfs.mofcom.gov.cn/articlc/ 200405/20040500218576_1.xiiil, (in Chinese) (last visited 10 September 2004). 31 See Sino-Lithuania Economic Relations, at the MoFCOna Website, at: ozs.iiiofcotii.gov.cii /article/ 200208/20020800035979 l.xm1> (in Chinese) (last visited 24 August 2004). See also Sino-Lithuania Relations, at the MFA Website,, at: <www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb/zzjg/xos/gjlb/3195/de&u)t.htm) (last visited 13 March 2005). 3y Ibid. 4° Sinc-Lithuania Relations, supra, footnote 38. °� Sin<>-Lithllania Economic Relations, supra, footnote 38. 42 Sino-Malta Economic Relations, at the MOFCOM Website, at: (ozs.mofcom.gov.cn/artic1e/200208/ 20020800036006_l.xml< (in Chinese) (last visited 24 August 2004). See also Sino-Malta Relations, at the MFA Website, at: <www.finprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb/zzjg/xos/glb/3331/default.htrm (last visited 13 March 2005). ^3 Sino-Malta Economic Relations, ibid. 44 Ibid. ;5 [bid. 4(, Sino-Malta Relations, supra, footnote 42. 47 Sino-Malta Economic Relations, supra, footnote 42.
* Ibid. ^`' Ibid. 5" Ibid. 5' Ibid. 52 See Shu}-Polalld Economic Relations, at the MoFCOn�t Website, at: <ozs.ll1ofcOIn.gov.cn/articlc/ 200208/20()2()8<)0035940_l.xtrtl' (in Chinese) (last visited 24 August 2004). See also Sillo-Poland Relations, at the MFA Website, at: www.finprc.gov.cn/eug/wjb/zzjg/xos/gjlb/3210/default.htmr (last visited 13 March 2005). 53 Sitw-Poland Economic Relations, ibid. 54 Ibid. 55 Ibid. 56 Ibid. Ibid.; see also 5I/pr,¡, footnote 4. 58 Ibid. Sy Sino-Poland Relations, supra, footnote 52. 60 Sillo-Polalld Economic Relations, si4pr�i, footnote 52. See SimrSlovakia Economic Relations, at the MOFCOM Website, at: (ozs.lllofcolll.gov.cn/artide/ 200208/20020800037924_1.xml> (in Chinese) (last visited 24 August 2004). See also Sino-Slopakia Rolntions, at the MFA Website, at: www.frriprc.gov.cii/etig/,,vjb/zzjg/xos/ob/3225/default.htm, (last visited 13 March 2005).
h2SimrSlnvakiaEconomicRelations, ibid. 63 Ibid. 64 Sillo-Slotltlkia Relations, supra, footnote 61. 65 See Sirl0-Slollf'llía Relations, at the MFA Website, at: (www.finprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb/zzjg/xos/gjlb/ 3230/default.htm, (last visited 13 March 2005). See also Sino-Sloi'enia Economic Relations, at the MoFCOna Website, at: <ozs.mofcom.gov.cnlarticle/20020R/20020R00037923 _1.xnù> (in Chinese) (last visited 24 August 20(4). 61� Ibid. (,7 SirlO-S¡Ol'eI1ia Economic Relatiotts, supra, footnote 65. 68 Ibid. 69 Ibid. See also Sim>-Slol'cllia Relations, supra, footnote 65. 70 S¡'W-Slol'fl1ia Economic Relations, supra, footnote 65. 71 Ibid. 72 Ibid. 73 There are no direct statistics for EU-China bilateral trade for the whole year of 3002, but for the first eleven months the value ofthat trade was USS 7,82�1.t326 billion. The amount ofbilateral trade in Drcrmber was calculated according to the monthly average of the first cleven months' trade figures. For EU-China trade statistics in 2002 (January-November), see the Mofcom Website, at: (ozs.mofcom.gov.CI1larticle/20U4U61 20040600237106-Lxin> (in Chinese) (last visited 1 September 2004).
�a See Enlarging Europe, slIpra, footnote 1. See EIl Enlarged to be a Union of 25 Member States and the Largest Trade Partner of China, available at: ,www.qingdaonews.com/content/2004-04/28/coiiteiit-3066496.htiii, (in Chinese) (last visited 16 September 2004). See also Implication of EU Enlargement 5tHi)-EU Econornic and Trade Relations, available at: �news.xiiihuaiiet.coiii/iiewsceiiter/2004-05/03/content 1452167.htni> (in Chinese) (last visited 16 September 2004).
11 Chinese statistics show that by 2003 China had invested US$ 530 million in Europe (Russia included). They also show that US$ 150 million of investment was made in 2003. Thus, the total Chinese investment in Europe (including Russia) by 2002 should be US$ 380 million. For details of China's outward investment, see 2003 China Outward Direct Investment Statistical Report, at the MoFCOnn Website, at: <www.mofcom.gov.cn/ article/200409/20040900275569_t.xtrrl> (in Chinese) (last visited 16 September 2004) . 77 EU Enlarqed to be a Union of 25 Member States and the l.argest 7'rade Partner of China, mpra, footnote 75. See also Implication of EU Enlargement to Sino-EL7 Economic and Trade Relations, supra, footnote 75. '" Luo, Xiaojun How Will EU Enlargement Effect China, available at: <www.nanfangdaily.com.cn/ southnews/suj/200405030319.asp' (in Chinese) (last visited 19 March 2005).
'v Shan, supra, footnote 3, at pp. 142-153. 11 For further details of the ICSID Convention and its interaction with Sino-EU 15 investment relations, see ibid., at pp. 142-145. The Additional Facility makes it possible for cases in which only one of the parties is a Contracting Party to the Convention to be heard by the ICSID, provided that both parties to the dispute consent to such a means of dispute resolution.
82 For further details of the MIGA Convention and its interaction with Sino-EU 15 investment relations, see Shan, supra, footnote 3, at pp. 14for149. 83 MICA Members States, at the MIGA Website, at: www.iiiiga.org/screciis/abotit/iiietiibers/members.htm) (last visited 14 March 2005). 84 MIGA only provides guarantees for investments made in developing countries, not for those made in developed or industrialized countries. Therefore, MIGA has classified its Member States into two categories: "Industrialized Countries" or "Developing Countries"; sec ibid. H5 All the EU 15 States are "Industrialized Countries" according to MIGA'S classification, ibid. H6 For further details of the WTO Agreement and its interaction with Sino-EU 15 investment relations, see Shan, sura, footnote 3, at pp. 149-153. 87 For more general work on the relationship between trade and investment within the WTO, see Trade and Investment, at the WTO Website, at: <www.wto.org/english/tratop e/invest_e/invest e.htm� (last visited 18 March 2005). For the decision not to negotiate on the investment issue, see Article 1 (g), para. 2 of thc Decision Adopted by the General Council on 1 August 2004 (the Cancan Package), at: www.wto.org/english/tratop e/ dda_e/draft_tcxt gc_dg_31ju]y04_e.htm' (last visited 18 March 2005). $s Members and Obsewers, available at the Who official Website, at: <www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/ whatis_c/tif_e/org6_e.htm> (last visited 16 September 2004).
"" DTTs deal with only one technical, albeit important, aspect of investment operations. For a good guide to China's D'rr practice, see Zhang, wprn, footnote 7.
90 For further details of Chinese and EU Fiji law in relation to Sino-EU 15 investment relations, see Shan, supra, footnote 3, at pp. 158-165. "I Sino-Europe Bilateral Economic and Trade Relations, at the MOFCOM Website, at: �ozs.mofcom.gov.cn/article/ 200208/20020800036028 l.xml> (in Chinese) (last visited 18 March 2005). 92 For discussions on Sino-EU 15 BITS, see Shan, �tipra, footnote 3, at pp. 155-157. For further details, see Wcnhua Shan, The International Law of F.LI Investment in China, 2 Chinese Journal of Internationa] Law 2, 2002, at pp. 604-610. 91 In fact, it is only eight BITS, as the BITS with the Czech Republic and Slovakia are actually the same, i.e., the BIT signed between China and the former Federal Republic of Czechoslovakia, which was later divided into the current two countires, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
11 For a detailed elaboration of these European BITS, see Rudolf Dolzer and Margrete Stevens, Bilateral Investment Treaties, Martinus Nijhoff, 1995, at pp. 50-56. See also Ibrahim F.I. Shihata, Recent Trends Relating to Entry of Foreign Direct Investment, 9 Icsm Rev.— F.I. LJ. (1994), at pp. 55-56. 5 Sino-Spain BIT, Article 2.2; Sino-Greece BIT, Article 2.5.
11 Article 3.2, Sino-Slovenia BIT. '» Point 1, Protocol to the Sino-Czechoslovakia BIT (now the Sino-Czcch BIT and Sino-Slovakia BIT).
11 Most of these BITS state that contracting parties shall not expropriate foreign investments "unless the following conditions are met". However, the wording of the Sino-Czechoslovakia BIT (now the Sino-Czech BIT and the Sino-Slovakia BIT) suggests that "public interest" is the only prerequisite/condition of expropriation and the other three "conditions" are just what should be done after expropriation has taken place. » For a comparison of expropriation clauses in the Sino-EU 15 Bns, see Shan, supra, footnote 3, at p. 156. See also Shan, supra, footnote 92, at pp. 607-608.
"'" Article 4.2, Sino-Latvia BIT, suprn, footnote 37. 101 Article 4.3, Sino-Slovenia BIT.
'''2 Ibid. 1".\ Article 4.2, Sino-Czechoslovakia Bit (now the Sino-Czech BIT and the Sino-Slovakia Bit); and Article 4.3, Sino-Poland BIT. !114 For a comparison of subrogation provisions in the Sino-EU 15 Bn's, see Shan, snprn, footnote 3, at pp. 155-157. See also Shan, supra, footnote 92, at pp. 604-610. 1115 Article 7, Sino-Czech BIT; Article 6, Sino-Estonia BIT; Article 7, Sino-Hungary BIT; Article 7, Sino-Latvia 1311, supra, footnote 37; Article 6, Sino-Lithuania BIT; Article 7, Sino-Poland BIT; Article 7, Sino-Slovakia BIT; Article 6, Sino-Slovenia BIT. 1116 Article 7, Sino-Poland BIT.
'07 Article 8, Sino-Czech BIT; Article 7, Sino-Estonia BIT; Article 9, Sino-Hungary BIT; Article 8, Sine—Latvia BIT, supra, footnote 37; Article 7, Sino-Lithuania BIT; Article 9, Sino-Poland BIT; Article 8, Sino-Slovakia BIT; and Article 7, Sino-Slovenia BIT. 108 Ibid. 109 For a comparison of provisions on State-State dispute settlement in the Sino-EU 15 Bus, see Shan, supra, footnote 3, at pp. 155-157. See also Shan, supra, footnote 92, at pp. 604-610. 110 Article 8.2-3, Sino-Estonia BIT; Article 10.1, Sino-Hungary BIT; Article 10.1, Sino-Poland BIT; Article 8.2-3, Sino-Slovenia BIT. �' � Article 9.2, Sino-Czechoslovakia BIT (now the Sino-Czech BIT and the Sino-Slovakia BIT). 112 Article 8.2, Sino-Lithuania BIT.
"•> ld. 114 Ibid., Article 8.3-7. "5 Article 8.5, Sino-Estonia BIT; Article 10.3, Sino-Hungary BIT; Article 8.4, Sino-Lithuania BIT; and Article 8.2-5, Sino-Slovcnia BIT. "6 The New Sino-Germany BIT signed in December 2003 (pending ratification) has similar provisions on the jurisdiction for State-investor disputes; see its Article 9.1-3 . 117 It does not, however, provide the opportunity for ad lum arbitration. Article 9.1-2, Sino-Latvia Brr, supra, footnote 37. "8 This provision seems to be modelled on the New Sino-Germany BIT; see Point 6 (re: Article 9), Protocol to the New Sino-Germany BIT. 11') Protocol to the Sino-Latvia BIT, supra, footnote 37.
12" Article 8.7, Sino-Estonia Brr; Article 8.7, Sino-Lithuania BIT; and Article 8.6, Sino-Slovenia BIT. 121 Article 9-7, Sine-Cyprus BIT; Article 9.3, Sine-Latvia BIT, supra, footnote 37. Article 10(4), Sino-Morocco Bit.
�=' In view of the deficiencies of the current legal framework governing EU-China investment relations, the author has proposed the establishment of a new international legal framework to promote and protect mutual investment in the form of a C:hina-EU bilateral treaty or a multilateral agreement to which China and the EU would be parties; for further details, see Shan, sura, footnote 3, at pp. 168-179.
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