Journal of World Literature (JWL) aspires to bring together scholars interested in developing the concept of World Literature, and to provide the most suitable environment for contributions from all the world’s literary traditions. It creates a forum for re-visiting global literary heritages, discovering valuable works that have been undeservedly ignored, and introducing aspects of the transnational global dissemination of literature, with translation as a focus. The journal welcomes submissions that can concurrently imagine any literary tradition, in any language, moving beyond national frames to simultaneously discuss and develop the cosmopolitan threads of a variety of literary traditions. It also welcomes contributions from scholars of different research backgrounds working collaboratively as well as from group research projects interested in showcasing their findings, in order to meet the challenge of a wider and deeper discussion of literature’s networks.
The editorial board of the
JWL warmly welcomes submissions for open-call issues.
Peer Review Policy: All articles published in
Journal of World Literature undergo a double-anonymous external peer review process. This includes articles published in special issues.
Editors-in-Chief David Damrosch,
Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA Theo D’haen,
University of Leuven, Belgium Francesca Orsini,
SOAS University of London, UK Galin Tihanov,
Queen Mary University of London, UK Zhang Longxi,
Human Normal University, Changsha, China and Yenching Academy of Peking University, China
Managing Editors Mehmet Yıldız,
Independent Scholar, Türkiye Alice Xiang,
King's College London, UK
Editorial Board Michael Allan,
University of Oregon, Oregon, USA Omid Azadibougar,
Iran Helena Buescu,
University of Lisbon, Portugal Jérôme David,
University of Geneva, Switzerland Wiebke Denecke,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA César Domínguez,
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain Amal Eqeiq,
Williams College, Massachusetts, USA Esmaeil Haddadian-Moghaddam,
Independent Scholar, Belgium Satoru Hashimoto,
Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, USA May Hawas,
University of Cambridge, UK Stefan Helgesson,
Stockholm University, Sweden Kader Konuk,
Duisburg-Essen University, Germany Haiyan Lee,
Stanford University, California, USA Pieter Vermeulen,
University of Leuven, Belgium Amy Motlagh,
University of California, Davis, USA Laetitia Nanquette,
University of New South Wales, Australia Marta Pacheco Pinto,
University of Lisbon, Portugal Jale Parla,
Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey Ronit Ricci,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Mads Rosendahl Thomsen,
Aarhus University, Denmark Franca Sinopoli,
University of Rome I, La Sapienza, Italy Bhavya Tiwari,
University of Houston, Texas, USA Adam Talib,
The American University in Cairo, Egypt Karen Thornber,
Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA Delia Ungureanu,
University of Bucharest, Romania Amirhossein Vafa,
Shiraz University, Iran
International Advisory Board Elleke Boehmer,
University of Oxford, UK Hélène Buzelin,
University of Montréal, Canada Andrew Chesterman,
University of Helsinki, Finland Ferial Ghazoul,
American University in Cairo, Egypt Assaad Khairallah,
American University in Beirut, Lebanon Sheldon Pollock,
Columbia University, NY, USA Bruce Robbins,
Columbia University, NY, USA Haun Saussy,
University of Chicago, Illinois, USA Ken Seigneurie,
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Web of Science
ANVUR - Riviste Index
Online submission: Articles for publication in
Journal of World Literature can be submitted online through
Editorial Manager via which they will be peer-reviewed, please
click here.
Review Essays should be between 3,500–5,000 words in length and have a comparative focus on at least two relevant monographs or edited volumes, published within the last five years. You can submit your proposal to the Managing Editors.
Publishers are not welcome to send review copies to the journal.
Proposals for Special Issues should follow this
"The differences between JWL and a typical comparative literature journal lie in the number and variety of literatures that a given volume considers, in the expectation that readers want to learn something about languages and cultures about which they have little prior knowledge, and in the authors’ commitments to framing their arguments in ways that promise to advance world literary study." - John Burt Foster, Jr.,
George Mason University, in:
Recherche Littéraire, Vol. 33 2017 pp. 249-254
Everyone interested in literature and literary studies, literary criticism, world literature, comparative literature, translation, fiction, poetry
Online submission: Articles for publication in
Journal of World Literature can be submitted online through
Editorial Manager via which they will be peer-reviewed, please
click here.
Review Essays should be between 3,500–5,000 words in length and have a comparative focus on at least two relevant monographs or edited volumes, published within the last five years. You can submit your proposal to the Managing Editors.
Publishers are not welcome to send review copies to the journal.
Proposals for Special Issues should follow this
Editors-in-Chief David Damrosch,
Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA Theo D’haen,
University of Leuven, Belgium Francesca Orsini,
SOAS University of London, UK Galin Tihanov,
Queen Mary University of London, UK Zhang Longxi,
Human Normal University, Changsha, China and Yenching Academy of Peking University, China
Managing Editors Mehmet Yıldız,
Independent Scholar, Türkiye Alice Xiang,
King's College London, UK
Editorial Board Michael Allan,
University of Oregon, Oregon, USA Omid Azadibougar,
Iran Helena Buescu,
University of Lisbon, Portugal Jérôme David,
University of Geneva, Switzerland Wiebke Denecke,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA César Domínguez,
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain Amal Eqeiq,
Williams College, Massachusetts, USA Esmaeil Haddadian-Moghaddam,
Independent Scholar, Belgium Satoru Hashimoto,
Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, USA May Hawas,
University of Cambridge, UK Stefan Helgesson,
Stockholm University, Sweden Kader Konuk,
Duisburg-Essen University, Germany Haiyan Lee,
Stanford University, California, USA Pieter Vermeulen,
University of Leuven, Belgium Amy Motlagh,
University of California, Davis, USA Laetitia Nanquette,
University of New South Wales, Australia Marta Pacheco Pinto,
University of Lisbon, Portugal Jale Parla,
Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey Ronit Ricci,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Mads Rosendahl Thomsen,
Aarhus University, Denmark Franca Sinopoli,
University of Rome I, La Sapienza, Italy Bhavya Tiwari,
University of Houston, Texas, USA Adam Talib,
The American University in Cairo, Egypt Karen Thornber,
Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA Delia Ungureanu,
University of Bucharest, Romania Amirhossein Vafa,
Shiraz University, Iran
International Advisory Board Elleke Boehmer,
University of Oxford, UK Hélène Buzelin,
University of Montréal, Canada Andrew Chesterman,
University of Helsinki, Finland Ferial Ghazoul,
American University in Cairo, Egypt Assaad Khairallah,
American University in Beirut, Lebanon Sheldon Pollock,
Columbia University, NY, USA Bruce Robbins,
Columbia University, NY, USA Haun Saussy,
University of Chicago, Illinois, USA Ken Seigneurie,
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Web of Science
ANVUR - Riviste Index
"The differences between JWL and a typical comparative literature journal lie in the number and variety of literatures that a given volume considers, in the expectation that readers want to learn something about languages and cultures about which they have little prior knowledge, and in the authors’ commitments to framing their arguments in ways that promise to advance world literary study." - John Burt Foster, Jr.,
George Mason University, in:
Recherche Littéraire, Vol. 33 2017 pp. 249-254
Everyone interested in literature and literary studies, literary criticism, world literature, comparative literature, translation, fiction, poetry
Journal of World Literature (JWL) aspires to bring together scholars interested in developing the concept of World Literature, and to provide the most suitable environment for contributions from all the world’s literary traditions. It creates a forum for re-visiting global literary heritages, discovering valuable works that have been undeservedly ignored, and introducing aspects of the transnational global dissemination of literature, with translation as a focus. The journal welcomes submissions that can concurrently imagine any literary tradition, in any language, moving beyond national frames to simultaneously discuss and develop the cosmopolitan threads of a variety of literary traditions. It also welcomes contributions from scholars of different research backgrounds working collaboratively as well as from group research projects interested in showcasing their findings, in order to meet the challenge of a wider and deeper discussion of literature’s networks.
The editorial board of the
JWL warmly welcomes submissions for open-call issues.
Peer Review Policy: All articles published in
Journal of World Literature undergo a double-anonymous external peer review process. This includes articles published in special issues.
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