Studies of the Middle East and North Africa have very often relied on qualitative methodologies to understand and explain the politics of the region. In fact it could be argued that Middle East specialists have tended to shy away purposefully from engaging with quantitative methods because of the perceived ‘exceptionalism’ of the region in terms of the gathering and reliability of hard data. This article makes the case for increasing engagement with quantitative methodologies in order for studies on the Middle East to better 'speak' to comparative politics more broadly. Far from downplaying the significance and contribution of qualitative methods, this article encourages scholars to integrate them with quantitative methods that have been more recently developed to provide a fuller picture of politics in the region.
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Miquel Pellicer and Eva Wegner, “Socio-Economic Voter Profile and Motives for Islamist Support in Morocco.” Party Politics 20, no. 1 (2014): 116–33.
Miquel Pellicer and Eva Wegner, “The Moroccan Party of Justice and Development in Local Politics.” Middle East Journa l, (forthcoming 2015).
Filipe R Campante and Davin Chor, “Why Was the Arab World Poised for Revolution? Schooling, Economic Opportunities, and the Arab Spring,” The Journal of Economic Perspectives 26, no 2 (2012): 167–87. Jack A. Goldstone, “Understanding the Revolutions of 2011: Weakness and Resilience in Middle Eastern Autocracies,” Foreign Affairs 90 (2011): 8. Howard Sanborn and Clayton L. Thyne, “Learning Democracy: Education and the Fall of Authoritarian Regimes” British Journal of Political Science 44, no 4 (2014), 773–797.
Edward E. Leamer, “Let’s Take the Con out of Econometrics,” The American Economic Review 73, no 1 (1983): 31–43.
Leonard Wantchekon, “Clientelism and Voting Behavior: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Benin,” World Politics 55, no. 3 (2003): 399–422.
Miquel Pellicer and Eva Wegner, “Electoral Rules and Clientelistic Parties: A Regression Discontinuity Approach,” Quarterly Journal of Political Science 8, no. 4 (2013): 339–71. Miquel Pellicer and Eva Wegner, “The Mechanical and Psychological Effects of Legal Thresholds” Electoral Studies 33 (2014): 258–66.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 461 | 85 | 10 |
Full Text Views | 178 | 10 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 40 | 7 | 0 |
Studies of the Middle East and North Africa have very often relied on qualitative methodologies to understand and explain the politics of the region. In fact it could be argued that Middle East specialists have tended to shy away purposefully from engaging with quantitative methods because of the perceived ‘exceptionalism’ of the region in terms of the gathering and reliability of hard data. This article makes the case for increasing engagement with quantitative methodologies in order for studies on the Middle East to better 'speak' to comparative politics more broadly. Far from downplaying the significance and contribution of qualitative methods, this article encourages scholars to integrate them with quantitative methods that have been more recently developed to provide a fuller picture of politics in the region.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 461 | 85 | 10 |
Full Text Views | 178 | 10 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 40 | 7 | 0 |