This article investigates the transregional cultural magazine Al-Arabi (al-‘Arabi) during the late 1950s and 1960s under its first editor, the Egyptian scientist Ahmad Zaki. Founded in Kuwait, the magazine’s establishment and sociocultural-political agenda are reconstructed within the context of Kuwait’s cultural diplomacy and pan-Arabism during decolonization and early Cold War politics. Al-Arabi offered timely discussions on Arab cities, gender, literature, politics and science, and readily embraced color photography for illustrations as a way of stimulating transnational understanding during times of substantial change in the region. Consequently, an analysis of Al-Arabi provides insights into historical strategies for re-imagining the region from within. Overall, the magazine can be situated in a long-standing tradition of Arab printing and publishing, while also forming part of a global illustrated magazine culture. Using a transdisciplinary approach, the article combines archival research and interviews with the media-historical and art-historical analyses of text, image and graphic design.
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A‘zab (1958). Ana sa‘id fi ‘uzubati [I’m Happy With My Single Life]. al-‘Arabi 1: 142–144.
al-‘Arabi (1958). Qisat 32 miliyun nakhla [The Story of 32 Million Dates], 1: 33–49.
al-‘Arabi (1959a). Surat al-ghulaf [Cover Picture], 3: 3.
al-‘Arabi (1959b). Hadhihi hiya al-Kuwayt [This Is Kuwait], 3: 66–94.
al-‘Arabi (1959c). Fatat al-shurta [Police Women], 5: 145–149.
al-‘Arabi (1959d). Amina al-Sa‘id tatamanna law kanat rajulan [Amina al-Sa‘id Wishes She Were a Man], 8: 47–51.
al-‘Arabi (1960a). Matba‘at hukumat al-Kuwayt [Kuwait’s Government Printing Press], 16: 86–103.
al-‘Arabi (1960b). Hadhihi Qatar (bi-l-alwan) [This Is Qatar (in Color)], 18: 61–95.
al-‘Arabi (1960c). Dubay: Finisya al-khalij al-‘arabi (bi-l-alwan) [Dubai: Venice of the Arab Gulf (in Color)], 22: 68–98.
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Buthayna (1959). Nisa’ ‘araftuhunna wahidat [The Women I Got to Know Were Lonely]. al-‘Arabi 7: 78–81.
Dahir, Mas‘ud (2008). al-‘Arabi tarsumu ‘kharita tariq’ li-tajdid al-fikr al-qawmi [Al-Arabi Draws a ‘Road Map’ for the Renewal of Pan-Arab Thinking]. al-‘Arabi 601: 86–91.
Fathi, Muhammad (1959). al-Idha‘a ‘amil khatir fi tawhid al-lahjat [The Radio Plays a Significant Role in the Unification of Vernacular Languages]. al-‘Arabi 2: 147–148.
Hilana (1959). Sira‘ fi mahkama: hal tajizu al-misihiyya ta‘addud al-zawjat? [Battle in Court: Does Christianity Allow Polygamy?]. al-‘Arabi 7: 137–139.
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Zaki, Ahmad (1958a). Hurriyyat al-‘arab lan yahwalu dunaha itlaq sawarikh aw infijar darrat [The Freedom of the Arabs: Without It, They Will Neither Launch Rockets nor Split Atoms]. al-‘Arabi 1: 6–9.
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Zaki, Ahmad (1959a). Mihna [Severe Test]. al-‘Arabi 5: 6–9.
Zaki, Ahmad (1959b). Qisat al-‘Arabi [The Story of al-‘Arabi]. al-‘Arabi 9: 5–11.
Zaki, Ahmad (1959c). Hadha ‘id al-milad al-awwal lil-‘arabi fa-kullu ‘amm wa-antum bikhayr [This Is the First Anniversary of al-‘Arabi: Happy Birthday]. al-‘Arabi 13: 8–12.
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All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 344 | 146 | 17 |
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This article investigates the transregional cultural magazine Al-Arabi (al-‘Arabi) during the late 1950s and 1960s under its first editor, the Egyptian scientist Ahmad Zaki. Founded in Kuwait, the magazine’s establishment and sociocultural-political agenda are reconstructed within the context of Kuwait’s cultural diplomacy and pan-Arabism during decolonization and early Cold War politics. Al-Arabi offered timely discussions on Arab cities, gender, literature, politics and science, and readily embraced color photography for illustrations as a way of stimulating transnational understanding during times of substantial change in the region. Consequently, an analysis of Al-Arabi provides insights into historical strategies for re-imagining the region from within. Overall, the magazine can be situated in a long-standing tradition of Arab printing and publishing, while also forming part of a global illustrated magazine culture. Using a transdisciplinary approach, the article combines archival research and interviews with the media-historical and art-historical analyses of text, image and graphic design.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 344 | 146 | 17 |
Full Text Views | 59 | 21 | 1 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 115 | 26 | 3 |