
Papinius, Pomponius oder Pompilius (p. 120 FPL4 Bl.)?

Zum Autor des Epigramms auf Casca und seine Alte bei Varro (L. 7.28) und Priscian (Inst. Gramm. 3.11)

In: Mnemosyne
Markus Stachon Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Inst. für Klassische und Romanische Philologie, Abt. für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie

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The epigram on Casca and his amica senex (p. 120 FPL4 Bl.), whose author’s name is given by the manuscripts of Varro L. 7.28 as Papinius and by those of Priscian Inst. Gramm. 3.11 as Pomponius or Pompnius, is to be attributed to Pompilius, whom Varro also cites in two other places (L. 7.93; Men. frg. 356 A.). Pompilius is not to be considered a tragedian but a writer of early satura following in the footsteps of Ennius and Pacuvius and paving the way for Lucilius. The evidence for this thesis, which was already stated in the 19th century but has been disregarded in recent times, is collected and vindicated.

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