Three bacterial isolates, SB13 (Acinetobacter sp.), SB14 (Arthrobacter sp.) and SB15 (Bacillus sp.), were previously isolated from the rhizosphere of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) plants and shown to increase hatch of potato cyst nematodes in vitro. In this study, the three isolates were assayed for rhizosphere competence. Each isolate was applied to seeds at each of four concentrations (105-108 CFU ml−1) and the inoculated seeds were planted in plastic microcosms containing coarse sand. All three isolates were shown to colonise the rhizosphere, although to differing degrees, with the higher inoculation densities providing significantly better colonisation. The isolates increased sugar beet root and shoot dry weight. Isolates SB14 and SB15 were analysed for their ability to induce in vivo hatch of Globodera pallida in non-sterile soil planted with sugar beet. After 4 and 6 weeks, both isolates had induced significantly greater percentage hatch compared to controls.
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Three bacterial isolates, SB13 (Acinetobacter sp.), SB14 (Arthrobacter sp.) and SB15 (Bacillus sp.), were previously isolated from the rhizosphere of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) plants and shown to increase hatch of potato cyst nematodes in vitro. In this study, the three isolates were assayed for rhizosphere competence. Each isolate was applied to seeds at each of four concentrations (105-108 CFU ml−1) and the inoculated seeds were planted in plastic microcosms containing coarse sand. All three isolates were shown to colonise the rhizosphere, although to differing degrees, with the higher inoculation densities providing significantly better colonisation. The isolates increased sugar beet root and shoot dry weight. Isolates SB14 and SB15 were analysed for their ability to induce in vivo hatch of Globodera pallida in non-sterile soil planted with sugar beet. After 4 and 6 weeks, both isolates had induced significantly greater percentage hatch compared to controls.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 339 | 46 | 3 |
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