Novum Testamentum is a leading international journal devoted to the study of the New Testament and related subjects. This includes text-critical, philological, and exegetical studies, and investigations which seek to situate early Christian texts (both canonical and non-canonical) and theology in the broader context of Jewish and Graeco-Roman history, culture, religion, and literature.
● For more than 60 years an unrivalled resource for the subject.
● Articles in English, French and German.
● Extensive Book Review section in each volume, introducing the reader to a large section of related titles.
Executive Editors C. Breytenbach, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
C. Gerber, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
J.E. Spittler, University of Virginia, USA
Editorial Board H.W. Attridge, New Haven, CT, USA
S. Butticaz, Lausanne, Switzerland
K. Crabbe, Melbourne, Australia
R. Hirsch-Luipold, Bern, Switzerland
J.W. Knust, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Stefan Krauter, Zurich, Switzerland
M.M. Mitchell, Chicago, IL, USA
D.P. Moessner, Fort Worth, TX, USA
M. Niehoff, Jerusalem, Israel
B. Nongbri, Oslo, Norway
J.C. Thom, Stellenbosch, South Africa
P. Trebilco, Dunedin, New Zealand
C.M. Tuckett, Oxford, UK
J. Verheyden, Leuven, Belgium
Meredith J.C. Warren, Sheffield, UK
Social Media Editor Rebecca Bultman, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
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Atla Religion Database
Current Abstracts
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Dietrich's Index Philosophicus
Electronic Collections Online
Humanities International Complete
Humanities International Index
Humanities Source
Humanities Source Ultimate
Index Theologicus
International Review of Biblical Studies
Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)
Linguistic Bibliography
New Testament Abstracts
Personal Alert (E-mail)
Religion Index One: Periodicals (Ceased)
Religion Index Two: Multi Author Works (Ceased)
Religion & Philosophy Collection
Religious & Theological Abstracts
Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
TOC Premier
Web of Science
Online submission: Articles for publication in
Novum Testamentum can be submitted online through
Editorial Manager, please
click here.
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EM Support page.
Novum Testamentum is a leading international journal devoted to the study of the New Testament and other early Christian and related Jewish literature. This includes text-critical, philological, and exegetical studies, as well as investigations which seek to situate early Christian thought and texts (both canonical and non-canonical) within the broader context of Jewish and Graeco-Roman history, culture, religion, and literature. New methodological perspectives that advance our understanding of the New Testament are also appreciated.
Novum Testamentum welcomes original, innovative papers in English, French, and German that focus on any of these aspects.
Executive Editors C. Breytenbach, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
C. Gerber, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
J.E. Spittler, University of Virginia, USA
Editorial Board H.W. Attridge, New Haven, CT, USA
S. Butticaz, Lausanne, Switzerland
K. Crabbe, Melbourne, Australia
R. Hirsch-Luipold, Bern, Switzerland
J.W. Knust, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Stefan Krauter, Zurich, Switzerland
M.M. Mitchell, Chicago, IL, USA
D.P. Moessner, Fort Worth, TX, USA
M. Niehoff, Jerusalem, Israel
B. Nongbri, Oslo, Norway
J.C. Thom, Stellenbosch, South Africa
P. Trebilco, Dunedin, New Zealand
C.M. Tuckett, Oxford, UK
J. Verheyden, Leuven, Belgium
Meredith J.C. Warren, Sheffield, UK
Social Media Editor Rebecca Bultman, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Novum Testamentum is a leading international journal devoted to the study of the New Testament and other early Christian and related Jewish literature. This includes text-critical, philological, and exegetical studies, as well as investigations which seek to situate early Christian thought and texts (both canonical and non-canonical) within the broader context of Jewish and Graeco-Roman history, culture, religion, and literature. New methodological perspectives that advance our understanding of the New Testament are also appreciated.
Novum Testamentum welcomes original, innovative papers in English, French, and German that focus on any of these aspects.
Academic Search Alumni Edition
Academic Search Complete
Academic Search Elite
Academic Search Premier
Academic Search Ultimate
Advanced Placement Source
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Arts and Humanities Search
Atla Religion Database
Current Abstracts
Current Contents
Dietrich's Index Philosophicus
Electronic Collections Online
Humanities International Complete
Humanities International Index
Humanities Source
Humanities Source Ultimate
Index Theologicus
International Review of Biblical Studies
Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)
Linguistic Bibliography
New Testament Abstracts
Personal Alert (E-mail)
Religion Index One: Periodicals (Ceased)
Religion Index Two: Multi Author Works (Ceased)
Religion & Philosophy Collection
Religious & Theological Abstracts
Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
TOC Premier
Web of Science
Novum Testamentum is a leading international journal devoted to the study of the New Testament and related subjects. This includes text-critical, philological, and exegetical studies, and investigations which seek to situate early Christian texts (both canonical and non-canonical) and theology in the broader context of Jewish and Graeco-Roman history, culture, religion, and literature.
● For more than 60 years an unrivalled resource for the subject.
● Articles in English, French and German.
● Extensive Book Review section in each volume, introducing the reader to a large section of related titles.
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