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Bonnet 2005 and 2013.
Weber 1992:253.
Bonnet and Van Haeperen 2006:xi–lxxiv; cf. Bonnet 2006.
Molnár 2002. On Cumont’s formation, see Cabanel 1999; in Germany and Austria from 1888–1890, see Bonnet 2005:65–164.
Vermaseren 1981. This is the time-honored format of the Cambridge Ancient History or Henri Berr’s series L’évolution de l’humanité (whose misleading subtitle was Synthèse collective).
See now, for example, Bremmer 2014.
Woolf 1997:71–84.
See, for example, Kloppenborg and Wilson 1996, Gutsfeld and Koch 2006, and Rüpke 2007.
Cf. Rüpke and Spickermann 2012, Rüpke 2013, and Rüpke and Woolf 2013.
Exemplary here is Egelhaaf-Gaiser 2000, who treated Isiac cult as an integral part of Roman religious life under the Principate through the device of focusing on communal eating practices and the associated buildings, rather than the “obviously” religious installations.
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