
Volume 35 (2020): Issue 3 (Dec 2020): Special Issue: Unruly Objects: Material Entanglements in the Arts and Sciences

in Nuncius
Unruly Objects – Material Entanglements in the Arts and Sciences
Unruly Objects – Material Entanglements in the Arts and Sciences
Printing the Bespoke Book
Printing the Bespoke Book
The Reader’s Body in Seventeenth-Century Chinese Statecraft Texts
The Reader’s Body in Seventeenth-Century Chinese Statecraft Texts
Material Traces of Disability
Material Traces of Disability
Things That Don’t Talk Much and Things That Feel
Things That Don’t Talk Much and Things That Feel
The Downfall of the Diorama
The Downfall of the Diorama
Embroidering the New Science
Embroidering the New Science