This article pays a particular attention to an Arab army physician and scholar from the mid-19th century who placed empirical science at the center of Islamic thought and situated it within Qurʾānic exegetical debates. He is the Egyptian Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Iskandarānī, a medical officer who ended up working in Ottoman Syria, and whose works were copied and printed (in)directly by the Ottomans. Apart from the limited information contained in previous scholarly literature, which, on the basis of his first commentary alone, repeatedly presents this commentator as one of the first people to have produced a “scientific interpretation of the Qurʾān”, little is known about his personal and professional background and the production of his commentaries. This study also sheds light on exegetical and intellectual directions produced outside Egypt in the 19th century.
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Ms. 3581
al-Iskandarānī, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad. Kašf al-asrār al-nūraniyyah al-qurʾāniyyah fī mā yataʿallaqu bi-l-aǧrām al-samāwiyyah wa-l-arḍiyyah wa-l-ḥayawānāt wa-l-nabātāt wa-l-maʿadaniyyah, vol. 2. al-Riyāḍ, Imām Muḥammad Ibn Saʿūd Islamic University.
Ms. 3582
al-Iskandarānī, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad. Kašf al-asrār al-nūraniyyah al-Qurʾāniyyah fī mā yataʿallaqu bi-l-aǧrām al-samāwiyyah wa-l-arḍiyyah wa-l-ḥayawānāt wa-l-nabātāt wa-l-maʿadaniyyah, vol. 3. Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, 1294/1877.
Ms. 427Y
al-Iskandarānī, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad. al-Barāhīn al-bayyināt fī bayān ḥaqāʾiq al-ḥayawānāt. Princeton University Library, 1303/1885-86.
WMS Arabic 187
Clot Bey|Clot Beyk. Kunūz al-Ṣiḥḥa wa-Yawāqīt al-minḥa. Wellcome Library of London, n.d.
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All Time | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 456 | 37 | 1 |
Full Text Views | 34 | 13 | 0 |
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This article pays a particular attention to an Arab army physician and scholar from the mid-19th century who placed empirical science at the center of Islamic thought and situated it within Qurʾānic exegetical debates. He is the Egyptian Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Iskandarānī, a medical officer who ended up working in Ottoman Syria, and whose works were copied and printed (in)directly by the Ottomans. Apart from the limited information contained in previous scholarly literature, which, on the basis of his first commentary alone, repeatedly presents this commentator as one of the first people to have produced a “scientific interpretation of the Qurʾān”, little is known about his personal and professional background and the production of his commentaries. This study also sheds light on exegetical and intellectual directions produced outside Egypt in the 19th century.
All Time | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 456 | 37 | 1 |
Full Text Views | 34 | 13 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 66 | 17 | 0 |