Decision-making is a fundamental human process, central to the design and promulgation of effective legislation, as well as to the crafting of robust public policy. Supported by advances in legal informatics tools and services, in particular those that facilitate the extraction of meaningful information and metadata from legal documents, parliaments today are able to develop and test data-driven strategies and policies in a manner that places them on equal footing with the executive within the policy creation process. The article critically analyses the range of application and the efficiency of sophisticated decision support tools and services. Key actor-centric parameters are discussed within the context of a parliamentary production environment. While the role of main stakeholders is elucidated upon, the article assesses changing organizational and operational culture in parliaments in regards to the possible application of decision-making processes and addresses directions but also challenges for future research.
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Abstract Views | 1166 | 306 | 18 |
Full Text Views | 55 | 12 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 133 | 28 | 1 |
Decision-making is a fundamental human process, central to the design and promulgation of effective legislation, as well as to the crafting of robust public policy. Supported by advances in legal informatics tools and services, in particular those that facilitate the extraction of meaningful information and metadata from legal documents, parliaments today are able to develop and test data-driven strategies and policies in a manner that places them on equal footing with the executive within the policy creation process. The article critically analyses the range of application and the efficiency of sophisticated decision support tools and services. Key actor-centric parameters are discussed within the context of a parliamentary production environment. While the role of main stakeholders is elucidated upon, the article assesses changing organizational and operational culture in parliaments in regards to the possible application of decision-making processes and addresses directions but also challenges for future research.
All Time | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1166 | 306 | 18 |
Full Text Views | 55 | 12 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 133 | 28 | 1 |