International Journal of Parliamentary Studies is a peer-reviewed international journal that provides a forum for academic research connected to legislative, procedural, political, comparative, and other matters related to parliaments at all governmental levels from all countries, including supranational (EU) matters. The journal analyses legislatures’ actors and activities, including their internal and external relations, from a theoretical, procedural, or practical point of view. The editors cultivate a strongly international author base and encourage contributions from the various fields of the legal and social sciences, thus seeking to offer a remedy to the specialization within and estrangement between these disciplines as well as to the distance between legislative theory and parliamentary practice.
Until recently, legislative issues, parliamentary procedure, and practice were exclusively the purview of national legislation and jurisdiction and were, therefore, issues for primarily domestic scholarship. However, a kind of parliamentary “ius gentium” or “ius commune” is evolving: Parliamentary activities are increasingly observed by international actors and repeatedly reviewed by international forums. Parliamentary issues are no longer matters of one institution or nation. There are points of contact between institutions and nations, and learning from one another is possible (e.g., regarding constitution and state building). Supranational parliaments (including the European Parliament) are gradually becoming important actors in world politics and policies.
International Journal of Parliamentary Studies invites scholars of all levels of seniority and types of experience, from PhD students to professors and practitioners in parliamentary administrations, to submit papers on parliamentary issues, such as parliamentary functions, procedures, practice, the universal concepts of parliament (e.g., ministerial accountability, scrutiny, public engagement, separation of powers), democratic representation and elections, legislation, and constitutions. The journal welcomes the following types of submissions:
- Full-length article (5,000-10,000 words)
- Report: short presentations of data (e.g., on parliamentary sessions or elections) accompanied by analysis/evaluation (3,500-6,500 words)
- Case study: contributions from parliamentary organizations, presentations of court cases, internal parliamentary decisions related to parliamentary law (maximum of 5,000 words)
- Book review & conference review (maximum of 2,000 words)
- Forum article: academic reflections and debate on previous articles or reports (maximum of 5,000 words)
Editor-in-Chief Zsolt Szabó,
Széchenyi István Egyetem University of Győr and
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church (Hungary)
Associate Editors Ágnes M. Balázs,
National University of Public Service (Hungary)
Attila Horváth,
National University of Public Service (Hungary)
László Tóth,
Széchenyi István Egyetem University of Győr (Hungary)
Book Review Editor Attila Horváth,
National University of Public Service (Hungary)
Section Editor: Parliamentary Procedure and Practice Christoph Konrath,
Head of Department, Parlamentsdirektion Austria, ECPRD-Coordinator Parliamentary Practice and Procedure (Austria)
Chairman of the Editorial Board Zoltán Szente,
Hungarian Research Network, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies and
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
Editorial Board Olivier Costa,
College of Europe (Belgium)
Gabriella Ilonszki,
Corvinus University (Hungary)
Ulrich Karpen,
University of Hamburg (Germany)
Konrad Lachmayer,
Sigmund Freud University (Austria)
Nicola Lupo,
Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome (Italy)
Hannah Muzee,
Kyambogo University (Uganda)
Pablo Oñate,
University of Valencia (Spain)
Patricia Popelier,
University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Javier Garcia Roca,
Complutense University of Madrid; Staff Attorney of the Spanish Constitutional Court (Spain)
Stephen S. Smith,
Washington University in St. Louis (USA)
Péter Smuk,
University of Győr (Hungary)
Jindřiška Syllová,
Charles University; Parliamentary Research Expert, Office of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
Christian Waldhoff,
Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
Bernd Wieser,
University of Graz (Austria)
Helen Xanthaki,
University College London (UK)
Paul Yowell,
University of Oxford (UK)
Robert Zbiral,
Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Marek Zubik,
University of Warsaw; Member of the Polish Constitutional Court (Poland)
International Advisory Board Richard Albert,
The University of Texas at Austin (USA)
Rudy Andeweg,
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
Martin Belov,
University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Yooncheol Choi,
Konkuk University (South Korea)
Paul Evans,
Former Clerk of the Committees, House of Commons, UK (UK)
Fotis Fitsilis,
Hellenic Parliament, Athens (Greece)
Thomas Hadamek,
Head of the Bundestag’s Parliamentary Law Department (Germany)
Iván Halász,
National University of Public Service (Hungary)
Yasuo Hasebe,
Waseda University (Japan)
Herbert Küpper,
Institut für Ostrecht München (Germany)
Werner J. Patzelt,
University of Dresden (Germany)
Suzanne F. Schüttemeyer,
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)
Paul Seaward,
British Academy; Director, History of Parliament Trust (UK)
Ana Vargas,
Legal Advisor, Assembly of the Republic (Portugal)
Pierre-Michel Vauthelin,
Head of Comparative Law Division, French Senate (France)
Jan Wintr,
Charles University (Czech Republic)
Online submission: Articles for publication in the
International Journal of Parliamentary Studies can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article,
click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our
EM Support page.
Online submission: Articles for publication in the
International Journal of Parliamentary Studies can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article,
click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our
EM Support page.
Editor-in-Chief Zsolt Szabó,
Széchenyi István Egyetem University of Győr and
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church (Hungary)
Associate Editors Ágnes M. Balázs,
National University of Public Service (Hungary)
Attila Horváth,
National University of Public Service (Hungary)
László Tóth,
Széchenyi István Egyetem University of Győr (Hungary)
Book Review Editor Attila Horváth,
National University of Public Service (Hungary)
Section Editor: Parliamentary Procedure and Practice Christoph Konrath,
Head of Department, Parlamentsdirektion Austria, ECPRD-Coordinator Parliamentary Practice and Procedure (Austria)
Chairman of the Editorial Board Zoltán Szente,
Hungarian Research Network, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies and
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
Editorial Board Olivier Costa,
College of Europe (Belgium)
Gabriella Ilonszki,
Corvinus University (Hungary)
Ulrich Karpen,
University of Hamburg (Germany)
Konrad Lachmayer,
Sigmund Freud University (Austria)
Nicola Lupo,
Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome (Italy)
Hannah Muzee,
Kyambogo University (Uganda)
Pablo Oñate,
University of Valencia (Spain)
Patricia Popelier,
University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Javier Garcia Roca,
Complutense University of Madrid; Staff Attorney of the Spanish Constitutional Court (Spain)
Stephen S. Smith,
Washington University in St. Louis (USA)
Péter Smuk,
University of Győr (Hungary)
Jindřiška Syllová,
Charles University; Parliamentary Research Expert, Office of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
Christian Waldhoff,
Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
Bernd Wieser,
University of Graz (Austria)
Helen Xanthaki,
University College London (UK)
Paul Yowell,
University of Oxford (UK)
Robert Zbiral,
Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Marek Zubik,
University of Warsaw; Member of the Polish Constitutional Court (Poland)
International Advisory Board Richard Albert,
The University of Texas at Austin (USA)
Rudy Andeweg,
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
Martin Belov,
University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Yooncheol Choi,
Konkuk University (South Korea)
Paul Evans,
Former Clerk of the Committees, House of Commons, UK (UK)
Fotis Fitsilis,
Hellenic Parliament, Athens (Greece)
Thomas Hadamek,
Head of the Bundestag’s Parliamentary Law Department (Germany)
Iván Halász,
National University of Public Service (Hungary)
Yasuo Hasebe,
Waseda University (Japan)
Herbert Küpper,
Institut für Ostrecht München (Germany)
Werner J. Patzelt,
University of Dresden (Germany)
Suzanne F. Schüttemeyer,
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)
Paul Seaward,
British Academy; Director, History of Parliament Trust (UK)
Ana Vargas,
Legal Advisor, Assembly of the Republic (Portugal)
Pierre-Michel Vauthelin,
Head of Comparative Law Division, French Senate (France)
Jan Wintr,
Charles University (Czech Republic)
International Journal of Parliamentary Studies is a peer-reviewed international journal that provides a forum for academic research connected to legislative, procedural, political, comparative, and other matters related to parliaments at all governmental levels from all countries, including supranational (EU) matters. The journal analyses legislatures’ actors and activities, including their internal and external relations, from a theoretical, procedural, or practical point of view. The editors cultivate a strongly international author base and encourage contributions from the various fields of the legal and social sciences, thus seeking to offer a remedy to the specialization within and estrangement between these disciplines as well as to the distance between legislative theory and parliamentary practice.
Until recently, legislative issues, parliamentary procedure, and practice were exclusively the purview of national legislation and jurisdiction and were, therefore, issues for primarily domestic scholarship. However, a kind of parliamentary “ius gentium” or “ius commune” is evolving: Parliamentary activities are increasingly observed by international actors and repeatedly reviewed by international forums. Parliamentary issues are no longer matters of one institution or nation. There are points of contact between institutions and nations, and learning from one another is possible (e.g., regarding constitution and state building). Supranational parliaments (including the European Parliament) are gradually becoming important actors in world politics and policies.
International Journal of Parliamentary Studies invites scholars of all levels of seniority and types of experience, from PhD students to professors and practitioners in parliamentary administrations, to submit papers on parliamentary issues, such as parliamentary functions, procedures, practice, the universal concepts of parliament (e.g., ministerial accountability, scrutiny, public engagement, separation of powers), democratic representation and elections, legislation, and constitutions. The journal welcomes the following types of submissions:
- Full-length article (5,000-10,000 words)
- Report: short presentations of data (e.g., on parliamentary sessions or elections) accompanied by analysis/evaluation (3,500-6,500 words)
- Case study: contributions from parliamentary organizations, presentations of court cases, internal parliamentary decisions related to parliamentary law (maximum of 5,000 words)
- Book review & conference review (maximum of 2,000 words)
- Forum article: academic reflections and debate on previous articles or reports (maximum of 5,000 words)