We employ an intersection of critical approaches to examine the global food system crisis and its alternatives. We examine counterhegemonic movements and organizations advancing programs of constructive resistance and decolonization based on food sovereignty, indigenous revitalization and agroecology. Food system alternatives rooted in intersectional critiques of the world-system open spaces for materially-grounded, commons-based socioecological relations that make just, sustainable, and equitable worlds possible beyond a civilization in crisis.
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Abstract Views | 8279 | 1123 | 233 |
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PDF Views & Downloads | 1950 | 370 | 28 |
We employ an intersection of critical approaches to examine the global food system crisis and its alternatives. We examine counterhegemonic movements and organizations advancing programs of constructive resistance and decolonization based on food sovereignty, indigenous revitalization and agroecology. Food system alternatives rooted in intersectional critiques of the world-system open spaces for materially-grounded, commons-based socioecological relations that make just, sustainable, and equitable worlds possible beyond a civilization in crisis.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 8279 | 1123 | 233 |
Full Text Views | 1262 | 120 | 3 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 1950 | 370 | 28 |