
How Selected Pro-Duterte Facebook Pages Framed the ABS-CBN Shutdown Issue: A Discussion on Epistemic Discrediting in Echo Chambers

In: Philippine Political Science Journal
Anthony Andrew G. Divinagracia Instructor, University of Santo Tomas, Department of Political Science Manila The Philippines

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This article looks into the discursive frames employed by selected pro-Duterte pages on Facebook that tackled the ABS-CBN shutdown and franchise denial issues in 2020. The legal frames were mostly derived from the findings of the lawmakers’ technical working group (TWG). The political frames, meanwhile, include ABS-CBN’s alleged biased reporting, the victory-over-oligarchs narrative pushed by the Duterte administration and other related pronouncements. The article identifies these frames as reinforcing layers to fortify the echo chamber behavior of pro-Duterte pages through an attack-amplify-attract stratagem. C. Thi Nguyen’s study resembling echo chambers anchored on “epistemic discrediting” was operationalized for this purpose. Data from the selected pro-Duterte pages were mined using the timeline feature of Crowd Tangle as the official social listening tool of Facebook. The article also explored the impact of pro-Duterte pages on ABS-CBN’s stature as a legacy media giant and on the Duterte presidency as a social media-driven administration.

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