The article explored intergroup perspectives among Bangsamoro and Christian group members to determine their impact on forgiveness-based peace initiatives and conflict resolution. It adopts a qualitative approach by analyzing thematically four (4) focus group discussions. Bangsamoro participants’ themes on Intergroup Forgiveness as a Process of Negotiation and Pride as Key Factor in the Process of Intergroup Forgiveness stress socio-religious and political leaders’ roles including that of cultural values such as maratabat (honor) and sabar (silent forbearance). Christian participants’ Intergroup Forgiveness as an Outcome through Discussion/Communication theme emphasizes understanding and pride’s impact on the forgiveness process. These findings bring to awareness the complexity of integrating intergroup forgiveness in current peacebuilding interventions.
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The article explored intergroup perspectives among Bangsamoro and Christian group members to determine their impact on forgiveness-based peace initiatives and conflict resolution. It adopts a qualitative approach by analyzing thematically four (4) focus group discussions. Bangsamoro participants’ themes on Intergroup Forgiveness as a Process of Negotiation and Pride as Key Factor in the Process of Intergroup Forgiveness stress socio-religious and political leaders’ roles including that of cultural values such as maratabat (honor) and sabar (silent forbearance). Christian participants’ Intergroup Forgiveness as an Outcome through Discussion/Communication theme emphasizes understanding and pride’s impact on the forgiveness process. These findings bring to awareness the complexity of integrating intergroup forgiveness in current peacebuilding interventions.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 547 | 217 | 17 |
Full Text Views | 125 | 18 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 260 | 47 | 0 |