Dissent against President Rodrigo Duterte’s militaristic approach to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines put attention on Vice President and opposition leader Leni Robredo to initiate inclusive policies to mitigate the virus’ impact. This article examined the rhetoric of Robredo in her COVID-19 public addresses pertaining to the limitations of the female vice presidency, challenges of the nation, and selfless acts of her grassroots volunteers. As a rhetorical strategy, she localized the pandemic situation in the country by highlighting the stories of essential workers and democratizing the call for public support. She classified volunteers as heroes and frontliners as victims, and criticized the lack of urgency and direction of the Duterte administration. These policy narratives employed a grassroots feminist rhetoric – offering multiple perspectives from the grassroots and utilizing a more inclusive persuasion mechanism. This form of rhetoric served as resistance against Duterte’s macho rhetoric, and a prelude to her 2022 presidential campaign.
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Dissent against President Rodrigo Duterte’s militaristic approach to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines put attention on Vice President and opposition leader Leni Robredo to initiate inclusive policies to mitigate the virus’ impact. This article examined the rhetoric of Robredo in her COVID-19 public addresses pertaining to the limitations of the female vice presidency, challenges of the nation, and selfless acts of her grassroots volunteers. As a rhetorical strategy, she localized the pandemic situation in the country by highlighting the stories of essential workers and democratizing the call for public support. She classified volunteers as heroes and frontliners as victims, and criticized the lack of urgency and direction of the Duterte administration. These policy narratives employed a grassroots feminist rhetoric – offering multiple perspectives from the grassroots and utilizing a more inclusive persuasion mechanism. This form of rhetoric served as resistance against Duterte’s macho rhetoric, and a prelude to her 2022 presidential campaign.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 588 | 588 | 66 |
Full Text Views | 84 | 84 | 6 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 200 | 200 | 9 |