Tej K. Bhatia Syracuse University, NY, USA
William C. Ritchie, Syracuse University, NY, USA

Editorial Board
Jubin Abutalebi, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italiy
Kees de Bot, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
David Birdsong, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA
Jean-Marc Dewaele, Birkbeck College, London, UK
Albert Costa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Suzanne Flynn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA
Susan Gass, Michigan State University, Michigan, USA
Howard Giles, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Annette de Groot, University of Amsterdam, the netherlands
Michael H. Long, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA
Jeff MacSwan, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA
Pieter Muysken, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Suzanne Romaine, University of Oxford, UK
Bernard Spolsky, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Anyone wishing to get and stay up-to-speed on important research developments within the areas of multilingualism and second language acquisition.
Tej K. Bhatia, PhD (1978), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is a Professor of Linguistics and Director of South Asian Languages at Syracuse University. He is a recipient of the Chancellor’s Citation Award for excellence in research. He has published a number of books, articles and book chapters in the areas of bilingualism, multiculturalism, media (advertising) discourse, socio- and psycho-linguistics, and the structure and typology of English and South Asian languages (particularly Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi).
William C. Ritchie, PhD (1969), University of Michigan, is Professor of Linguistics at Syracuse University and specializes in the study of adult second language acquisition and the theoretical analysis of language mixing in bilinguals and multilinguals.He has co-edited three handbooks with Tej K. Bhatia - Handbook of Bilingualism (2004/2006), Handbook of Child Language Acquisition (1999), and Handbook of Second Language Acquisition (1996) and is the sole author of a pioneering collection of works on second language acquisition, Second Language Acquisition Research: Issues and Implications(1978).

Together they have also edited The New Handbook of Second Language Acquisition now published by Brill.

Brill Research Perspectives in Multilingualism and Second Language Acquisition

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Tej K. Bhatia
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As of 2020, Brill Research Perspectives in Multilingualism and Second Language Acquisition is no longer published as a journal by Brill, but will continue as a book series. Brill Research Perspectives in Multilingualism and Second Language Acquisition provides in-depth and authoritative surveys of key topics within these disciplines. The articles are written by leading scholars in the field who have been invited to contribute and not only give an overview of the field but also their own unique perspective on it. References are hyperlinked to the original sources where possible, giving scholars the opportunity to stay on stop of the literature or reading up on a subject quickly.

Brill Research Perspectives in Multilingualism and Second Language Acquisition publishes survey articles and position papers in the following subjects:

• Age (Maturation) and Aging (Attrition)
• Aphasia & Multilingualism
• Basic Research & Language Pedagogy
• Bilingualism/Multilingualism
• Child & Adult Second Language Acquisition
• Cognition & Consequences
• Forensics
• Individual Differences
• Language Contact
• Language Impairment
• Language Mixing & Hybrid Systems
• Language Processing (e.g. sentence & concept)
• Language Variation
• Learner types (e.g. Heritage; Non-Native)
• Literacy
• Mental Health
• Memory
• Motivation & Attitude
• Neurology & Neuropsychology
• Phonology , Morphology, Syntax; Pragmatics and SLA
• Research Methodology
• Sign Language
• Social Identity
• Social Media and Social Networks
• Theoretical Frameworks (e.g. Generative; Cognitive Linguistic; Emergentist; Information Processing; Sociolinguistic)
• Third Language Acquisition
• Thinking and Multilingual Competence

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