Chaime Marcuello-Servós, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)

Editorial Board
Saburo Akahori, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University (Japan)
Patricia Almaguer, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
Dalila Cerejo, New University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Luciano Gallon, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia)
Bernard Scott, Independent Researcher

Advisory Board
José A. Amozurrutia, LabCOMplex UNAM (Mexico)
Juancho Barron, CISAN-UNAM (Mexico)
Eva Buchinger, Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)
Fabio Giglietto, Università di Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy)
David Hernandez Casas, UNAM (Mexico)
Bob Hodge, Western Sydney University (Australia)
Bernd Hornung, University Hospital Giessen and Marburg (Germany)
Arne Kjellman, Independent Researcher (Sweden)
Raija Koskinen, University of Helsinki (Finland)
Yutaka Koyama, Toyo University (Japan)
Manuel Lisboa, New University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Margarita Maass, LabCOMplex UNAM (Mexico)
Czesław Mesjasz, Cracow University of Economics (Poland)
Michael Paetau, International Center for Sociocybernetics Studies (Germany)
Karl-Heinz Simon, University of Kassel (Germany)
Mitsuhiro Tada, Kumamoto University (Japan)
Toru Takahashi, Chuo University (Japan)
Stuart Umpleby, George Washington University (USA)
Tomoko Watarai, Yokohama City University (Japan)
CHAIME MARCUELLO-SERVÓS has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Zaragoza (1997). He received a PhD Extraordinary Award in Social Sciences. He is a Lecturer in Social Work and Social Services in the Department of Psychology and Sociology at the University of Zaragoza and was coordinator of the Doctoral and Master programmes in the Sociology of Public and Social Policy. He is also a Professor in the Inter-Doctoral Programme in Science and Humanities for Interdisciplinary Development at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Humanities of the UNAM (Mexico) and the Autonomous University of Coahuila. He is coordinator and co-founder of the Interdisciplinary Teaching Innovation Group (GIDID) and member and co-founder of the Third Sector Social and Economic Studies Group (GESES). He became a member of the International Sociological Association in 1998 and has served as a board member of Research Committee 51 (on Sociocybernetics) on several occasions: as Webmaster (1998-2006), Secretary (2006-2010) and President (2014-2018).

Brill Research Perspectives in Sociocybernetics and Complexity

Chaime Marcuello-Servós
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As of 2021, Brill Research Perspectives in Sociocybernetics and Complexity is no longer published as a journal but continues as a book series. Please find the new home page here.

We are living in turbulent times in which we need to face global challenges connecting fields and perspectives. Complex social issues require complex, multidisciplinary approaches to deal with their complexity. In recent decades, sociocybernetics has developed as a distinct discipline that aims to meet this challenge. Sociocybernetics is concerned with applying first and second order cybernetics, the systems sciences and complexity science in the social sciences. Brill Research Perspectives in Sociocybernetics and Complexity disseminates advances in sociocybernetics and consolidates existing research efforts, including theory and applications. Each issue addresses developments around a specific topic; thus, besides the audience interested in developments in sociocybernetics and the complexity sciences, each issue appeals to those in other disciplines who are engaged with a particular topic. The topics addressed range from foundational issues to applications in systems modelling, the arts, social interventions, environmental problems, social work and care, public policies, and urban design, at a local or global scale. Brill Research Perspectives in Sociocybernetics and Complexity is an invaluable resource for scholars, policymakers and practitioners wishing to learn about the latest developments in sociocybernetics, as well as a useful resource for teachers and those studying the social sciences and related disciplines.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts by email to the publisher Jason Prevost. Please direct all other correspondence to Assistant Editor Debbie de Wit.

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