Based on fieldwork conducted in the Île-de-France, this article distinguishes three patterns in the organization of Buddhist-themed collective practices in the Chinese diaspora in France. Each of these patterns prioritizes a particular globalization linkage, which are respectively an ethnolinguistic immigrant group, a transnational organizational system, and information technology. The author argues that religious globalization is a multilayered trans-boundary process through which communities, organizations, and individuals reconstitute relations between religious practice and sociogeographic space. In this process, various clergy-laity relationships and diverse manners of authority legitimization are integrated into a complex topology, which is at the same time shaped by global, national, and local factors.
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Abstract Views | 1477 | 415 | 116 |
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Based on fieldwork conducted in the Île-de-France, this article distinguishes three patterns in the organization of Buddhist-themed collective practices in the Chinese diaspora in France. Each of these patterns prioritizes a particular globalization linkage, which are respectively an ethnolinguistic immigrant group, a transnational organizational system, and information technology. The author argues that religious globalization is a multilayered trans-boundary process through which communities, organizations, and individuals reconstitute relations between religious practice and sociogeographic space. In this process, various clergy-laity relationships and diverse manners of authority legitimization are integrated into a complex topology, which is at the same time shaped by global, national, and local factors.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1477 | 415 | 116 |
Full Text Views | 257 | 9 | 4 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 80 | 20 | 0 |