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All those interested in the history of Russia and Russians from the earliest times to the present day and the connections between past and present.
Lawrence N. Langer is Associate Professor Emeritus of Russian History at the University of Connecticut. He has been the Director of the Center for Slavic and East European Studies at the University of Connecticut, and a Center Associate at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University.
Carol B. Stevens (Kira) is Professor of History and Department Chair at Colgate University, Hamilton NY. She specializes in Russia and the USSR, late medieval and early modern Europe, women in Eastern Europe and the USSR, and the indigenous peoples of Siberia. Her main research interests include Early modern Russia: popular culture, social change, banditry, and military history.

Russian History

Russian History’s mission is the publication of original articles on the history of Russia through the centuries, in the assumption that all past experiences are inter-related. Russian History seeks to discover, analyze, and understand the most interesting experiences and relationships and elucidate their causes and consequences. Contributors to the journal take their stand from different perspectives: intellectual, economic and military history, domestic, social and class relations, relations with non-Russian peoples, nutrition and health, all possible events that had an influence on Russia. Russian History is the international platform for the presentation of such findings. It counts among its contributors eminent scholars like Elise Wirtschafter, Jeffrey Brooks, Michael Khodarkovsky, Russell Martin and Sheila Fitzpatrick.
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