Taking as its starting point the proposition that Beckett’s closed spaces need a body in order to “go on,” this article examines the “production of space” in the confined habitations of Imagination Dead Imagine and All Strange Away. I use evidence from the “Fancy Dead Dying” Notebook to argue that the concept of “the human” remains central to Beckett’s production of closed space in All Strange Away. My conclusion highlights the importance of gender politics in the text’s production of space.
Prenant comme point de départ la proposition que les espaces clos de Beckett ont besoin d’ un corps pour “continuer,” cet article analyse la “production de l’ espace” des habitations réduites trouvées dans Imagination morte imaginez et All Strange Away. Je m’ appuie sur le cahier “Fancy Dead Dying” pour affirmer que le concept de “l’ humain” reste au cœur de la production de l’ espace clos dans All Strange Away. Ma conclusion souligne l’ importance des politiques de genre dans la production de l’ espace de ce texte.
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All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1014 | 108 | 13 |
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Taking as its starting point the proposition that Beckett’s closed spaces need a body in order to “go on,” this article examines the “production of space” in the confined habitations of Imagination Dead Imagine and All Strange Away. I use evidence from the “Fancy Dead Dying” Notebook to argue that the concept of “the human” remains central to Beckett’s production of closed space in All Strange Away. My conclusion highlights the importance of gender politics in the text’s production of space.
Prenant comme point de départ la proposition que les espaces clos de Beckett ont besoin d’ un corps pour “continuer,” cet article analyse la “production de l’ espace” des habitations réduites trouvées dans Imagination morte imaginez et All Strange Away. Je m’ appuie sur le cahier “Fancy Dead Dying” pour affirmer que le concept de “l’ humain” reste au cœur de la production de l’ espace clos dans All Strange Away. Ma conclusion souligne l’ importance des politiques de genre dans la production de l’ espace de ce texte.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1014 | 108 | 13 |
Full Text Views | 62 | 7 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 103 | 15 | 0 |