Online submission: Articles for publication in Society and Animals can be submitted online through Editorial Manager, please click here.

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Publishers should send review copies of books to the following address:
Susan McHugh
School of Arts and Humanities, Marcil Hall
University of New England
11 Hills Beach Rd.
Biddeford, ME 04005 USA

Although the editorial board and publisher are committed to publishing accepted individual articles online in advance as soon as possible, due to the high volume of submissions received in recent years, there will be a delay in publishing articles in forthcoming issues. However, accepted individual articles are published online in an expedited manner and can be treated as published articles. We thank you for your patience. To expedite this process, we ask that your work conforms to standard American English spelling, grammar conventions, and APA style.
Susan McHugh (University of New England, English)

Founding Editor
Kenneth Shapiro (Animals and Society Institute, Human-Animal Studies, 1993-2023)

Managing Editors
Robert McKay (Sheffield, English), Humanities
Robert Mitchell (Eastern Kentucky University, Psychology and Animal Studies), Quantitative Natural or Social Science
Christopher Bear (Cardiff, Geography and Planning), Qualitative Social Science
Drew Winter (Lansing Community College, Anthropology), Political Animals

Associate Editors
Emma Alleyne (Kent, Psychology), Lynda Birke (Chester, Biology), Pablo P. Castello (Queens, Philosophy), Margo DeMello (Carroll College, Anthrozoology), Anna Feuerstein, (Hawai’i, Literature), John Hadley (Western Sydney, Humanities and Communication Arts), Leslie Irvine (Colorado, Sociology), Jenny Isaacs (Rutgers, Geography), Mara Miele (Cardiff, Geography and Planning), Kieran O’Mahony (Czech Academy of Sciences, Geography), Ezra Rashkow (Montclair State University, History), Thomas William Whyke (Nottingham Ningbo China, China Studies), Karl L. Wuensch (East Carolina, Psychology)

Review Editors
Ralph Acampora (Hofstra University, Philosophy), Sally Borrell (Independent Scholar, Melbourne, Literature), Pete Porter (Eastern Washington University, Media and Film), Michelle Szydlowski (Independent Scholar, Anthrozoology), Corey Wrenn (Colorado State, Sociology)

Board of Editors
Sara Balcom (Maryland, Veterinary Medicine), Gordon Burghardt (Tennessee, Psychology), Josephine Donovan (Maine, Literature), Catherine Faver (Texas, Social Work), Clifton Flynn (South Carolina, Sociology), Carrie Packwood Freeman (Georgia State, Communications), Erica Fudge (Strathclyde, Literature), Kathleen M. Heide (South Florida, Criminology), Bill Henry (State College of Denver, Psychology), Harold Herzog (Western Carolina, Psychology), Jennifer Jackman (Salem State, Political Science), Stephanie Jenkins (Oregon State, Philosophy), Hilda Kean (Greenwich, History), Lori Kogan (Colorado State, Psychology), Randy Malamud (Georgia State, Literature), Lori Marino (Emory University, Neuroscience), Garry Marvin (Roehampton, Anthropology), Maureen O’Connor (University College Cork, Literature), Harriet Ritvo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, History), Sandra Swart (Stellenbosch, History), Chris Wilbert (Independent Scholar, Geography), Rhoda M. Wilkie (Aberdeen, Sociology), Tzachi Zamir (Hebrew University, Philosophy)

Senior Editor
Aubrey Milatz (Animals and Society Institute)
Society & Animals Early Career Research Prize Guidelines

Each year, Brill and Animals and Society Institute (ASI) award the Early Career Research Prize to recognize the best article published by a junior scholar in Society & Animals: Journal of Human-Animal Studies. The purpose of the award is to encourage scholars to join the field and to assist them in obtaining additional exposure for their work. The winning article is announced in the journal and is made available in Open Access for no charge.

Eligible authors have published a single- or multiple-authored work in Society & Animals in the prior year as an Advance Article or in an issue, and are doctoral students at the dissertation stage, students pursuing other terminal degrees (MSW, DVM, or JD), or early career scholars with no more than four years past their PhD or other terminal degree.

Nominations should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief ( by September 1 in the year following the article's year of publication. Multiple nomination letters for the same work, multi-authored nomination letters, and self-nominations are welcome. Nominations should take the form of a letter of approximately one page in length that includes the following information:
a. A brief summary or abstract (100-200 words) of the article that emphasizes its central arguments and unique contributions to existing scholarly discussions, and that identifies it by author, title, and publication date
b. A short narrative that explains why the work should be chosen by referencing the selection criteria outlined below
c. A short narrative to clarify how the work fits into the nominee’s larger research experience and ambitions. If the article is multi-authored, the letter must also detail what were the nominee’s contributions to its production in relation to that of their collaborators.

Selection Process
In December of each year, the managing editors of S&A select the nominee judged to make the most significant contribution to the field of Human-Animal Studies.

The Early Career Research Prize is selected according to the following criteria:
a. The quality of the work in regard to research, scholarship, and writing for the journal’s interdisciplinary audience in Human-Animal Studies
b. The originality of the work in regard to content, scholarship, arguments, and overall contribution toward advancements in the field of Human-Animal Studies
c. The contribution advances and shares knowledge to improve nonhuman animal lives and to envision a compassionate and equitable world where nonhuman animals and our relationships with them flourish, in keeping with the mission and vision of the ASI.
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Society & Animals

Journal of Human-Animal Studies

2023 Impact Factor: 0,6
5 Year Impact Factor: 0,8

Sponsored by the Animals and Society Institute.

Society & Animals publishes studies that describe and analyze our experiences of non-human animals from the perspective of various disciplines within both the social sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science) and humanities (e.g., history, literary criticism). The journal specifically deals with subjects such as human-animal interactions in various settings (animal cruelty, the therapeutic uses of animals), the applied uses of animals (research, education, medicine and agriculture), the use of animals in popular culture (e.g. dog-fighting, circus, animal companion, animal research), attitudes toward animals as affected by different socializing agencies and strategies, representations of animals in literature, the history of the domestication of animals, the politics of animal welfare, and the constitution of the animal rights movement.

The goal of the journal is to stimulate and support the emerging multi-disciplinary field of animal studies, which consists, broadly, of investigations of the ways in which non-human animals figure in our lives. Although emphasizing empirically based studies, the journal also publishes theoretical analyses, literature reviews, methodological contributions, and comments on relevant topics. The editorial board consists of over thirty scholars, professionals (e.g. animal assisted therapists, shelter, zoo, wildlife personnel and etc.), policy makers, and animal advocates.

The Society & Animals is unique in the breadth of subjects covered, methods of papers published, and diversity of scholarly disciplines represented. It is also unique in its encouragement of data-based discussion of ethical and policy issues in the current debate over the place of non-human animals in an increasingly human-centered world.

Although the editorial board and publisher are committed to publishing accepted individual articles online in advance as soon as possible, due to the high volume of submissions received in recent years, there will be a delay in publishing articles in forthcoming issues. However, accepted individual articles are published online in an expedited manner and can be treated as published articles. We thank you for your patience. To expedite this process, we ask that your work conforms to standard American English spelling, grammar conventions, and APA style.
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