A refereed journal with an international editorial and advisory board, the Shii Studies Review provides a scholarly forum for researchers specializing in all fields of Shii studies. The journal publishes peer-reviewed original studies, critical editions of classical and pre-modern texts, and book reviews on Shii theology, Qurʾānic studies & exegesis, ḥadīth, law & jurisprudence, mysticism, philosophy, ritual & practices, literature, and other aspects of the history of Shiism. It is dedicated to the study of Imami, Ismaili, Zaydi, and other trends in Shii thought throughout history up to 1900 CE. Taking an expansive view of the richly variegated Shii traditions in both thought and practice and their cultural and social contexts, the Shii Studies Review makes a distinctive contribution to current scholarship on Shiism and its integration into the broader field of Islamic studies.
Main editorial contact address (email): afarhang1349@ias.edu.
Executive Editor
Hassan Ansari, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Associate Editor
Amin Ehteshami
Book Review Editor
Edmund Hayes
Advisory Board
Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, EPHE (Paris)
Meir Bar-Asher, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rainer Brunner, CNRS (Paris)
Michael Cook, Princeton University
Farhad Daftary, The Institute of Ismaili Studies
Daniel De Smet, CNRS (Paris)
Robert Gleave, University of Exeter
Christian Jambet, EPHE (Paris)
Wadad Kadi, University of Chicago
Etan Kohlberg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Andrew Newman, The University of Edinburgh
Devin Stewart, Emory University
Paul Walker, The University of Chicago
Robert Wisnovsky, McGill University
Online submission: Articles for publication in Shii Studies Review can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our EM Support page.
Online submission: Articles for publication in Shii Studies Review can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our EM Support page.
Executive Editor
Hassan Ansari, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Associate Editor
Amin Ehteshami
Book Review Editor
Edmund Hayes
Advisory Board
Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, EPHE (Paris)
Meir Bar-Asher, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rainer Brunner, CNRS (Paris)
Michael Cook, Princeton University
Farhad Daftary, The Institute of Ismaili Studies
Daniel De Smet, CNRS (Paris)
Robert Gleave, University of Exeter
Christian Jambet, EPHE (Paris)
Wadad Kadi, University of Chicago
Etan Kohlberg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Andrew Newman, The University of Edinburgh
Devin Stewart, Emory University
Paul Walker, The University of Chicago
Robert Wisnovsky, McGill University
A refereed journal with an international editorial and advisory board, the Shii Studies Review provides a scholarly forum for researchers specializing in all fields of Shii studies. The journal publishes peer-reviewed original studies, critical editions of classical and pre-modern texts, and book reviews on Shii theology, Qurʾānic studies & exegesis, ḥadīth, law & jurisprudence, mysticism, philosophy, ritual & practices, literature, and other aspects of the history of Shiism. It is dedicated to the study of Imami, Ismaili, Zaydi, and other trends in Shii thought throughout history up to 1900 CE. Taking an expansive view of the richly variegated Shii traditions in both thought and practice and their cultural and social contexts, the Shii Studies Review makes a distinctive contribution to current scholarship on Shiism and its integration into the broader field of Islamic studies.
Main editorial contact address (email): afarhang1349@ias.edu.
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With an editio princeps and an English Translation of al-Ajwiba al-qaṭʿiyya ʿan al-masāʾil al-ʿudhariyya by al-Ḥasan b. Muḥammad al-Raṣṣāṣ (d. 584/1188)