
Inquiring the Political Strategy of Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) in Post-2018 Ethiopia

In: The African Review
Asabu S. Alamineh MA in Political Science; College of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, Debre Markos University Debre Markos Ethiopia

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Birhanu B. Geremew MA in Political Science; College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Political Science, Debre Markos University Debre Markos Ethiopia

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Kidanu A. Temesgen MA in International Relations; College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Political Science, Debre Markos University Debre Markos Ethiopia

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The upsurge of TPLF led regime to power installed ethnic politics and deconstruction of Ethiopian history with corporate corruption, ultra-vires and pseudo-federalism. The misappropriations of national assets added with autocratic nature of the regime procreated erratic political oppositions and protests since the party set on to power. The political marginalization at intra-party level also created split, which brought state elites in Amhara and Oromia regions to support the acute popular protest. These political scenarios have compelled TPLF to abscond into Mekelle and the coming of reformist leaders to power in 2018. This paper thus aimed to uncover TPLF’s political strategy in post 2018 Ethiopia by employing a qualitative case study with a secondary data obtained from Mass Media, commentaries and digitized outlets. The loss of key political positions and attachment of the regime’s wrong deeds to TPLF has bugging its elites after the coming of the new premiership. As counter to the reformist leaders, TPLF undertook huge militarization, destabilization and proxies, inducing popular fear, supporting like-minded regional oppositions to propagandize sensitive political issues to regain its lost prestige. This power rivalry created political absurdism, where political decisions and policies of the reformists had continued to be officially banned by TPLF in a way that disastrously impacted the survival of the state. Thus, it is important to undertake political reconciliation to freeze the prevailing political deadlocks for the continuation of the polity.

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