This paper looks into the income and employment potential for youth and women in tourism micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME s). The survey data collected from seven regions of Tanzania during September–October 2018 is used. Analyses are focused on two main issues: estimation of determinants of income in tourism MSME s and implications for youth and women employment; and examination of perceived youth employment potential in the tourism industry of Tanzania. Quantile regression approach is applied in estimation of determinants of income; and the ratios of perceived employment potential and constraints to the youth employment are analysed. The findings demonstrate earning as the leading employment incentive and is determined by education of the owners of MSME s, inter alia. Larger proportion of enterprises owned by youth than those owned by elderly people are informal, which has a negative bearing on incomes of youth. Women and youth owned enterprises are constrained in terms of credit access. Policy implications include the need to address the social problem of gender inequality, enhancing requisite skills and knowledge for tourism sector professions, and formalisation and scaling up of credit access for the youth and women.
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Abstract Views | 451 | 127 | 30 |
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This paper looks into the income and employment potential for youth and women in tourism micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME s). The survey data collected from seven regions of Tanzania during September–October 2018 is used. Analyses are focused on two main issues: estimation of determinants of income in tourism MSME s and implications for youth and women employment; and examination of perceived youth employment potential in the tourism industry of Tanzania. Quantile regression approach is applied in estimation of determinants of income; and the ratios of perceived employment potential and constraints to the youth employment are analysed. The findings demonstrate earning as the leading employment incentive and is determined by education of the owners of MSME s, inter alia. Larger proportion of enterprises owned by youth than those owned by elderly people are informal, which has a negative bearing on incomes of youth. Women and youth owned enterprises are constrained in terms of credit access. Policy implications include the need to address the social problem of gender inequality, enhancing requisite skills and knowledge for tourism sector professions, and formalisation and scaling up of credit access for the youth and women.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 451 | 127 | 30 |
Full Text Views | 5 | 1 | 0 |
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