Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives (TCEA)《海外華人研究》is a peer-reviewed English journal. It is jointly-published biannually by the College of International Studies and Social Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University (國立臺灣師範大學國際與社會科學學院), the Center for the Digital Archives of South Fukienese Culture and Overseas Chinese Hometowns, National Quemoy University (國立金門大學閩南文化與僑鄉數位典藏中心), the Society of Overseas Chinese Studies (SOCS), Taipei, Taiwan (中華民國海外華人研究學會), and Brill.
A transdisciplinary journal devoted to the studies of overseas Chinese communities in all their manifestations and contestations, TCEA focuses on the region of East Asia. We study overseas Chinese border crossing networks disseminated from or converged in (pen)insular countries or zones such as Japan, North and South Koreas, the Ryukyus, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. We also welcome research on other mobile groups which are connected to, or whose experiences could be compared with overseas Chinese in and from East Asia.
With an international editorial board consisting of leading scholars in the field, TCEA is interested in the intersections of East Asia and global history, and in comparative approaches to issues such as long-term identity formation, state building and market development under the conditions of globalism and transnationalism. Comprehensive in scope, focal themes may include business and investment networks, migration and settlement, citizen's participation and community building, development of media and the arts, traveling and tourism, religious ideas and organization, and academic exchanges. To sum up, TCEA distinguishes itself by the focus on the crescent of East Asian (pen)insular states.
By drawing attention to the thriving region of East Asia, TCEA aims to make a critical contribution to the current studies of overseas Chinese. Wide-ranging in its fields of enquiry, TCEA publishes critical essays in anthropology, migration, economy, sociology, geography, religion, media, business, militarization, marriage, literature, cultural studies, colonial and postcolonial identity formations, etc. TCEA accepts only English submissions such as research papers, bilingual research notes, book reviews, and academic interviews. TCEA however does not exclude research on other non-Chinese mobile communities and welcomes transnational and comparative approaches to the studies of overseas Chinese.
All articles published in TCEA undergo a double-blind peer review process. This includes articles published in special issues.
Editorial Board
Chang, Chiung-huei, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Kuah, Khun-eng, Jinan University, China
Kuo, Huei-ying, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Lee, Ying-hui, National Chi-nan University, Taiwan
Liang, Iping, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Lim, Jason, University of Wollongong, Australia
Lin, Ping, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Ling, Tek Soon, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Liu, Ming-Feng, National Quemoy University, Taiwan
Syonzi, A. Michael, Harvard University, USA
Editorial Assistants
Huynh, Thi Thu Nguyet, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Kumar, Pintu, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Advisory Board
Chang, Kung-chiang, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Chang, Tsun-wu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Chen, Hung-yu, National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan
Chen, Laixing, University of Hyogo, Japan
Chen, Tien-shi, National Museum of Ethnology, Japan
Chen, Xiao-chong, Xiamen University, China
Chen, Yea-Fen, Indiana University, USA
Cheng, Isabelle, University of Portsmouth, USA
Chiang, Lan-hung, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Choi, Chi-cheung, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Chu, Hong Yuan, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Duara, Prasenjit, Duke University, USA
Douw, Leo, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Faure, David, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Hamashita, Takeshi, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Ho, Engseng, Duke University, USA
Hu-Dehart, Evelyn, Brown University, USA
Huang, Junling, Xiamen University, China
Kang, Jin A, Hanyang University, South Korea
Koh, Keng We, National Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Lee, Pui-tak, University of Hong Kong, China
Li, Minghuan, Xiamen University, China
Li, Yong, Wenzhou University, China
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin, University of California, USA
Lin, Yuju, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Lin, Man-houng, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Pan, Chao-yang, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Post, Peter, Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, The Netherlands
Tseng, Yu-chin, University of Tübingen, Germany
Tsu, Timothy Yun Hui, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Wang, Ling-chi, University of California, USA
Wu, Xiao An, Peking University, China
Yi, Junghee, Incheon National University, Chinese Academy, China
Zhang, Yinglong, Jinan University, China
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Online submission: Articles for publication in Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives can be submitted online through Editorial Manager, please click here.
Chiang Bo-wei obtained his PhD from the Graduate Institute of Building and Planning at National Taiwan University in 2000. Starting in 2001, he has been teaching at National Quemoy University (formerly known as Kinmen Technical College), serving in various roles including Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. He was also the founding chair of the Department of Architecture and the founding director of the Institute of Minnan(South Fujian Area) Culture, as well as the Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Between 2009 and 2010, he was a Coordinate Research Scholar at the Harvard-Yenching Institute in the USA. Since 2014, he has been teaching in the Department of East Asian Studies at National Taiwan Normal University, holding positions such as Department Head, Director of the Research Center for Overseas Chinese, and Dean of the College of International Studies and Social Sciences. He is dedicated to interdisciplinary research and social practice in areas such as Quemoy studies, heritage conservation, the history of Chinese immigrants in Southeast Asia, the social history of the Cold War, urban and rural planning, and sustainable development. Chiang, Bo-wei is currently a Distinguished Professor of East Asian Studies at NTNU, Taiwan, and a member of the International Advisory Committee for the Chinese Heritage Centre at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His publications, including books and journal articles, are extensive.
Online submission: Articles for publication in Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives can be submitted online through Editorial Manager, please click here.
Editorial Board
Chang, Chiung-huei, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Kuah, Khun-eng, Jinan University, China
Kuo, Huei-ying, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Lee, Ying-hui, National Chi-nan University, Taiwan
Liang, Iping, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Lim, Jason, University of Wollongong, Australia
Lin, Ping, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Ling, Tek Soon, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Liu, Ming-Feng, National Quemoy University, Taiwan
Syonzi, A. Michael, Harvard University, USA
Editorial Assistants
Huynh, Thi Thu Nguyet, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Kumar, Pintu, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Advisory Board
Chang, Kung-chiang, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Chang, Tsun-wu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Chen, Hung-yu, National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan
Chen, Laixing, University of Hyogo, Japan
Chen, Tien-shi, National Museum of Ethnology, Japan
Chen, Xiao-chong, Xiamen University, China
Chen, Yea-Fen, Indiana University, USA
Cheng, Isabelle, University of Portsmouth, USA
Chiang, Lan-hung, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Choi, Chi-cheung, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Chu, Hong Yuan, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Duara, Prasenjit, Duke University, USA
Douw, Leo, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Faure, David, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Hamashita, Takeshi, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Ho, Engseng, Duke University, USA
Hu-Dehart, Evelyn, Brown University, USA
Huang, Junling, Xiamen University, China
Kang, Jin A, Hanyang University, South Korea
Koh, Keng We, National Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Lee, Pui-tak, University of Hong Kong, China
Li, Minghuan, Xiamen University, China
Li, Yong, Wenzhou University, China
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin, University of California, USA
Lin, Yuju, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Lin, Man-houng, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Pan, Chao-yang, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Post, Peter, Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, The Netherlands
Tseng, Yu-chin, University of Tübingen, Germany
Tsu, Timothy Yun Hui, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Wang, Ling-chi, University of California, USA
Wu, Xiao An, Peking University, China
Yi, Junghee, Incheon National University, Chinese Academy, China
Zhang, Yinglong, Jinan University, China
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Chiang Bo-wei obtained his PhD from the Graduate Institute of Building and Planning at National Taiwan University in 2000. Starting in 2001, he has been teaching at National Quemoy University (formerly known as Kinmen Technical College), serving in various roles including Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. He was also the founding chair of the Department of Architecture and the founding director of the Institute of Minnan(South Fujian Area) Culture, as well as the Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Between 2009 and 2010, he was a Coordinate Research Scholar at the Harvard-Yenching Institute in the USA. Since 2014, he has been teaching in the Department of East Asian Studies at National Taiwan Normal University, holding positions such as Department Head, Director of the Research Center for Overseas Chinese, and Dean of the College of International Studies and Social Sciences. He is dedicated to interdisciplinary research and social practice in areas such as Quemoy studies, heritage conservation, the history of Chinese immigrants in Southeast Asia, the social history of the Cold War, urban and rural planning, and sustainable development. Chiang, Bo-wei is currently a Distinguished Professor of East Asian Studies at NTNU, Taiwan, and a member of the International Advisory Committee for the Chinese Heritage Centre at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His publications, including books and journal articles, are extensive.
Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives (TCEA)《海外華人研究》is a peer-reviewed English journal. It is jointly-published biannually by the College of International Studies and Social Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University (國立臺灣師範大學國際與社會科學學院), the Center for the Digital Archives of South Fukienese Culture and Overseas Chinese Hometowns, National Quemoy University (國立金門大學閩南文化與僑鄉數位典藏中心), the Society of Overseas Chinese Studies (SOCS), Taipei, Taiwan (中華民國海外華人研究學會), and Brill.
A transdisciplinary journal devoted to the studies of overseas Chinese communities in all their manifestations and contestations, TCEA focuses on the region of East Asia. We study overseas Chinese border crossing networks disseminated from or converged in (pen)insular countries or zones such as Japan, North and South Koreas, the Ryukyus, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. We also welcome research on other mobile groups which are connected to, or whose experiences could be compared with overseas Chinese in and from East Asia.
With an international editorial board consisting of leading scholars in the field, TCEA is interested in the intersections of East Asia and global history, and in comparative approaches to issues such as long-term identity formation, state building and market development under the conditions of globalism and transnationalism. Comprehensive in scope, focal themes may include business and investment networks, migration and settlement, citizen's participation and community building, development of media and the arts, traveling and tourism, religious ideas and organization, and academic exchanges. To sum up, TCEA distinguishes itself by the focus on the crescent of East Asian (pen)insular states.
By drawing attention to the thriving region of East Asia, TCEA aims to make a critical contribution to the current studies of overseas Chinese. Wide-ranging in its fields of enquiry, TCEA publishes critical essays in anthropology, migration, economy, sociology, geography, religion, media, business, militarization, marriage, literature, cultural studies, colonial and postcolonial identity formations, etc. TCEA accepts only English submissions such as research papers, bilingual research notes, book reviews, and academic interviews. TCEA however does not exclude research on other non-Chinese mobile communities and welcomes transnational and comparative approaches to the studies of overseas Chinese.
All articles published in TCEA undergo a double-blind peer review process. This includes articles published in special issues.
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