Moving (tapping) to a beat can objectively improve the perception of timing. Here we examine whether auditory feedback from tapping is a requirement for this improvement. In this experiment, two groups of participants heard a series of isochronous beats, and identified whether a probe tone after a short silence was consistent with the timing of the preceding sequence. On half of the trials, participants tapped along on an electronic drum pad up to and including the probe tone, and on half of the trials they listened without tapping. In the auditory feedback (AF) group sounds from tapping were available to participants and in the no auditory feedback (NAF) group these sounds were masked using white noise. In both groups, movement improved timing judgments of the probe tone, however this improvement was more pronounced when auditory feedback was present. Additionally, tapping was more accurate when auditory feedback was available. While previously we demonstrated an effect of movement on perceived timing, here we clarify that movement alone is sufficient to trigger this improvement (independent of the movement’s auditory consequences). We identify the importance of auditory feedback as a cue for movement timing, which subsequently affects perceived timing of an external stimulus. Additionally we have demonstrated that movement alone can improve timing perception, independent of the auditory feedback caused by this movement.
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All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 354 | 69 | 3 |
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Moving (tapping) to a beat can objectively improve the perception of timing. Here we examine whether auditory feedback from tapping is a requirement for this improvement. In this experiment, two groups of participants heard a series of isochronous beats, and identified whether a probe tone after a short silence was consistent with the timing of the preceding sequence. On half of the trials, participants tapped along on an electronic drum pad up to and including the probe tone, and on half of the trials they listened without tapping. In the auditory feedback (AF) group sounds from tapping were available to participants and in the no auditory feedback (NAF) group these sounds were masked using white noise. In both groups, movement improved timing judgments of the probe tone, however this improvement was more pronounced when auditory feedback was present. Additionally, tapping was more accurate when auditory feedback was available. While previously we demonstrated an effect of movement on perceived timing, here we clarify that movement alone is sufficient to trigger this improvement (independent of the movement’s auditory consequences). We identify the importance of auditory feedback as a cue for movement timing, which subsequently affects perceived timing of an external stimulus. Additionally we have demonstrated that movement alone can improve timing perception, independent of the auditory feedback caused by this movement.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 354 | 69 | 3 |
Full Text Views | 224 | 2 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 48 | 6 | 0 |