
Bildungsbezogene Medienkonstellationsanalyse

Konturen einer vermittelnden Herangehensweise angesichts der Grenze zwischen Subjekt und Medien

In: Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik
Andreas Weich Mediale Transformationen, Georg-Eckert-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien Braunschweig Deutschland

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Media Constellation Analysis for Bildung. Contours of a Mediating Approach concerning the Boundary between Subject and Media

Theories on media and education (Bildung) have great potential for connections but also some differences when it comes to the conceptualization and relation of subject and media. The article suggests the media constellation analysis as an approach founded in media studies that takes (the poststrucuralist and media theoretic) idea of a ›positioned‹ and ›constituted‹ subject into account and at the same time allows for studying processes of Bildung focussing on actual persons, common in educational sciences.

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