Previously, the author tried to show that some arguments in one of the two versions of Nicholas of Autrecourt’s Quaestio de intensione visionis are taken almost verbatim from the anonymous Tractatus de sex inconvenientibus. This paper concentrates on the arguments themselves in order to consider two main issues: (a) the ‘translatability’ of limit decision problems, manifest in Autrecourt’s juxtaposition of questions de maximo et minimo, de primo et ultimo instanti, and the intension and remission of forms; (b) the importance of Parisian discussions of limit decision problems prior to the adoption of the new analytical languages developed at Oxford. Thus, the paper is divided in two sections, the first concerning some arguments of Autrecourt’s question, the second focusing on the link between one of Autrecourt’s arguments and the medieval tradition of commentaries on Aristotle’s De caelo, in which it is possible to find some antecedents of the analytical approach that later Parisian scholars (Autrecourt among them) would apply to these problems.
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J.R. O’Donnell, “Nicholas of Autrecourt,” Mediaeval Studies 1 (1939), 179-280, at 268-280.
See also discussion in Kaluza, Nicolas d’Autrécourt, 200-204. It could also be argued that Autrecourt might have made use, in the context of a theological dispute, of some arguments devised and arranged earlier, in the context of the Faculty of Arts. Alternatively, if Autrecourt continued to teach in the Faculty of Arts after his Sentences lectures in 1335-1336, it is possible to conceive that both versions were devised roughly around the same time, arranging the same arguments in each case for different academic purposes. For details of the academic career of Nicholas of Autrecourt, see W.J. Courtenay, “Arts and Theology at Paris, 1326-1340,” in Nicolas d’Autrécourt et la Faculté des Arts de Paris (1317-1340), ed. S. Caroti and C. Grellard (Cesena, 2006), 15-63, as well as Kaluza, Nicolas d’Autrécourt, 9-73.
Caroti, “Nuovi linguaggi,” 210-226. In the case of Albert of Saxony, there is also a special treatise De maximo et minimo elaborated from material from his De caelo commentary; see D. Di Liscia, “El tractatus de maximo et minimo según Albert von Sachsen en el manuscrito H65 [580] de la Biblioteca Comunale Augusta de Perugia,” in Studium Philosophiae. Textos en homenaje a Silvia Magnavacca, ed. C. D’Amico and A. Tursi (Buenos Aires, 2014), 147-163.
Caroti, “Nuovi linguaggi,” 183. This kind of distinction advanced in order to save Aristotle from apparent or real contradictions is in fact rather common; see. S. Ebbesen, D. Bloch, J.L. Fink, H. Hansen, and A.M. Mora-Márquez, History of Philosophy in Reverse. Reading Aristotle Through the Lenses of Scholars from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Centuries (Copenhagen, 2014), 43-55.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 274 | 33 | 3 |
Full Text Views | 191 | 1 | 1 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 42 | 5 | 2 |
Previously, the author tried to show that some arguments in one of the two versions of Nicholas of Autrecourt’s Quaestio de intensione visionis are taken almost verbatim from the anonymous Tractatus de sex inconvenientibus. This paper concentrates on the arguments themselves in order to consider two main issues: (a) the ‘translatability’ of limit decision problems, manifest in Autrecourt’s juxtaposition of questions de maximo et minimo, de primo et ultimo instanti, and the intension and remission of forms; (b) the importance of Parisian discussions of limit decision problems prior to the adoption of the new analytical languages developed at Oxford. Thus, the paper is divided in two sections, the first concerning some arguments of Autrecourt’s question, the second focusing on the link between one of Autrecourt’s arguments and the medieval tradition of commentaries on Aristotle’s De caelo, in which it is possible to find some antecedents of the analytical approach that later Parisian scholars (Autrecourt among them) would apply to these problems.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 274 | 33 | 3 |
Full Text Views | 191 | 1 | 1 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 42 | 5 | 2 |