The late fourteenth-century English Carmelite Richard Lavenham was a prolific author of Latin and vernacular treatises on logic, physics, philosophy, and theology. Among other works pertaining to natural philosophy, he authored the short Tractatus terminorum naturalium, preserved in three complete or almost complete late fourteenth- or early fifteenth-century copies, with the opening passage preserved in three other manuscripts. The text is fundamentally a redaction of the Heytesburian Termini naturales, a brief glossary of technical vocabulary of the natural philosophy and physics of the Oxford Calculators, supplemented by additional textual and pictorial material. As such, Lavenham’s treatise is a specific branch of an influential tradition of school texts that took the form of elementary treatises, additional glosses, quaestio-commentaries, and excerpts.
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Albert of Saxony, Tractatus proportionum, ed. H. H. L. Busard (New York, 1971).
Anonymous, De uniformitate et difformitate. ms Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, 267, 120 r–129 r.
Anonymous, Excerpta de Terminis naturalibus. Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 4878, 49 ra–rb.
Anonymous, Libellus sophistarum ad usum Cantabrigiensium ([London], 1497).
Anonymous, Libellus sophistarum ad usum Oxoniensium ([London], [1499–1500]).
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Richard Lavenham, Super octo libros Phisicorum. Liber philosophie naturalis. Speculum naturalis philosophie. Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, ms F.VII.11, 121r–153r; Durham, Cathedral Library, ms C.IV.22, 91r–138v; Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, ms h.iv.30, 37–73; Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 4878, 2 ra–29 ra.
Thomas Netter, Questiones terminorum naturalium. Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 4878, 53 ra–60 rb.
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The late fourteenth-century English Carmelite Richard Lavenham was a prolific author of Latin and vernacular treatises on logic, physics, philosophy, and theology. Among other works pertaining to natural philosophy, he authored the short Tractatus terminorum naturalium, preserved in three complete or almost complete late fourteenth- or early fifteenth-century copies, with the opening passage preserved in three other manuscripts. The text is fundamentally a redaction of the Heytesburian Termini naturales, a brief glossary of technical vocabulary of the natural philosophy and physics of the Oxford Calculators, supplemented by additional textual and pictorial material. As such, Lavenham’s treatise is a specific branch of an influential tradition of school texts that took the form of elementary treatises, additional glosses, quaestio-commentaries, and excerpts.
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