
Un cycle de Tristan inédit

A propos du ms Cappon. 227 de la Bibliothèque Vaticane

In: The Vatican Library Review
François Avril Bibliothèque nationale de France France Paris

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Ignored until now by scholarship, the manuscript Cappon. 227 of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana contains a remarkable cycle of images depicting the first episodes of the romance of Tristan. While this would be noteworthy on its own, this cycle also provides important evidence for the techniques and style of Gothic painting in northern France at the beginning of the fourteenth century. This study presents the first art historical analysis of these images, summarizing their content, highlighting their distinctive and unique features, and examining their composition. The article notes that the images in this Vatican manuscript are the only known examples of a “pictorial guide” of a profane subject in a manuscript that correspond to the type of cycles that grew in increasing popularity in fourteenth-century France as decoration for royal and noble houses.

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