The Coptic manuscript BAV, P. Vat. Copto 9 (fourth century) is a true treasure trove of linguistic, textual, and transmission wonders. This remarkable codex contains the text of the twelve Minor Prophets, written in the archaic Bohairic dialect, now known as Paleo-Bohairic. This manuscript is an invaluable witness to the earliest known form of the Bohairic language, with only two substantial textual sources dating back to the fourth century – the equally impressive P. Bodmer III and P. Vat. Copto 9. The present contribution is primarily aimed at presenting the Paleo-Bohairic version of prophet Nahoum, whose edition is further enriched by the inclusion of the editio princeps of MS Oriental 63 from Biblioteca Angelica (Rome), which represents the classic (Medieval) Bohairic version (B5). Additionally, the main text is accompanied by a collation of the two manuscripts of the Minor Prophets (Paris, Bnf, Copte 2 and Copte 96), providing a comprehensive study of these early Coptic biblical sources. A French translation accompanies this wealth of textual materials, offering broader accessibility to this remarkable linguistic and scholarly treasure.
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The Coptic manuscript BAV, P. Vat. Copto 9 (fourth century) is a true treasure trove of linguistic, textual, and transmission wonders. This remarkable codex contains the text of the twelve Minor Prophets, written in the archaic Bohairic dialect, now known as Paleo-Bohairic. This manuscript is an invaluable witness to the earliest known form of the Bohairic language, with only two substantial textual sources dating back to the fourth century – the equally impressive P. Bodmer III and P. Vat. Copto 9. The present contribution is primarily aimed at presenting the Paleo-Bohairic version of prophet Nahoum, whose edition is further enriched by the inclusion of the editio princeps of MS Oriental 63 from Biblioteca Angelica (Rome), which represents the classic (Medieval) Bohairic version (B5). Additionally, the main text is accompanied by a collation of the two manuscripts of the Minor Prophets (Paris, Bnf, Copte 2 and Copte 96), providing a comprehensive study of these early Coptic biblical sources. A French translation accompanies this wealth of textual materials, offering broader accessibility to this remarkable linguistic and scholarly treasure.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 64 | 64 | 17 |
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