The Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC, financed the conservation and digitization of Vat. gr. 2144, an eighth-century Greek Lectionary of Gospel readings. The manuscript was in a bad state of conservation when it arrived to the Vatican Library about two hundred years ago. Gelatin was used for the repair of its damaged folios, and its loose leaves were sewn into a structure which did not correspond to the original one. It became apparent that the manuscript deserved a more careful approach to its conservation than originally planned. With close collaboration between the conservation and manuscript departments of the Vatican Library, a compromise was found to conserve and consolidate this significant manuscript for future generations. In addition to the conservation treatment, information concerning the manuscript is briefly presented. It is mostly known from Morcelli’s publication of 1788 when it was already a part of Cardinal Alessandro Albani’s collection in Rome.
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All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 195 | 195 | 17 |
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The Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC, financed the conservation and digitization of Vat. gr. 2144, an eighth-century Greek Lectionary of Gospel readings. The manuscript was in a bad state of conservation when it arrived to the Vatican Library about two hundred years ago. Gelatin was used for the repair of its damaged folios, and its loose leaves were sewn into a structure which did not correspond to the original one. It became apparent that the manuscript deserved a more careful approach to its conservation than originally planned. With close collaboration between the conservation and manuscript departments of the Vatican Library, a compromise was found to conserve and consolidate this significant manuscript for future generations. In addition to the conservation treatment, information concerning the manuscript is briefly presented. It is mostly known from Morcelli’s publication of 1788 when it was already a part of Cardinal Alessandro Albani’s collection in Rome.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 195 | 195 | 17 |
Full Text Views | 1 | 1 | 1 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 2 | 2 | 1 |